Icon Set - Transparent Bubbles

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Transparent Bubbles Icons

Transparent Bubbles
  • Published on February 12th 2012 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

This is a fallow up set to my transparent bubbles cursors. Enjoy! I added more colors that I hope more people will like.

P.S. It is difficult to see the full bubble effect unless you view it on a color other than white. Keep this in mind...They just look like a colored ring on white desktops.


by absterninja

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on February 13th 2012

2.5 out of 5 stars.

Maybe make them more opaque instead of completely transparent. They will still be see-through, but will be reflect the unique color of the bubble better.
icon-image/4604-16x16x32.png image

user icon absterninja registered user on February 14th 2012

Thanks! I didn't notice how bad they were until I posted them...they look like colorful circles hahaha.

user icon Lost Girl registered user on February 16th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

I like the colours you've done them in! They look more like hoops though, but I haven't tried them out yet, so yeah. I'd love to download them, but I need to save space. They look good though, so don't stress!

user icon TwiSteD_L0v3rR registered user on February 17th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

i like the green one c: my fav kala :-D

user icon absterninja registered user on February 21st 2012

AHHH I just noticed that I made the reflection upside down! I am coming up with an idea for a better set right now.

user icon cdl contributing user on April 16th 2013

3.5 out of 5 stars.

I use the bubbles screen saver.
The highlight is a bit vague in these bubble icons.

JDDellGuy has a point. You should use a transparency with a touch of color that fades toward the center. The highlight or reflection is dependent on the perceived direction of the light source and can be anywhere on the bubble but it must appear in the same area on each to illustrate coordination. If you decide to rework them I will review them again, just let me know.

icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on December 5th 2014

it looks like it's using lots of space!

user icon Anonymous on April 21st 2015

perfect :-D

user icon Anonymous on May 30th 2015

i like them

user icon Anonymous on November 4th 2015

i look in their eyes :-D

como estas?-----bueno :-D :-) ;-)

we start with eat :-D

let's play moviestarplanet :-) :-D

user icon Anonymous