JScript RasterImage

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JScript RasterImage

RasterImage is an interface wrapper accessible as a property of the Document object and can be used to access raster images at pixel level and to change the canvas size of an image.

Methods and properties

  • uint GetPixelColor(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW) - returns color of a pixel at the given coordinates in RGB format (8 bits per channel).
  • uint GetPixelAlpha(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW)
  • uint GetPixelRed(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW)
  • uint GetPixelGreen(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW)
  • uint GetPixelBlue(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW) - retrieve only a single color channel or alpha value of the pixel at given coordinates.
  • uint GetPixel(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW) - return the color channels and alpha of a pixel as a packed ARGB value.
  • void SetPixelColor(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW, uint pixelColor)
  • void SetPixelAlpha(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW, uint pixelAlpha)
  • void SetPixelRed(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW, uint pixelRed)
  • void SetPixelGreen(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW, uint pixelGreen)
  • void SetPixelBlue(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW, uint pixelBlue)
  • void SetPixel(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW, uint packedPixel)
  • uint sizeX (get) - width of the image.
  • uint sizeY (get) - height of the image.
  • uint sizeZ (get) - depth of the image.
  • uint sizeW (get) - size of the 4-th dimension of the image.
  • void Resize(uint sizeX, uint sizeY, uint sizeZ, uint sizeW, int offsetX, int offsetY, int offsetZ, int offsetW)
  • void FillResize(uint sizeX, uint sizeY, uint sizeZ, uint sizeW, int offsetX, int offsetY, int offsetZ, int offsetW, uint fillColor)
  • float GetPixelH(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW)
  • float GetPixelL(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW)
  • float GetPixelS(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW)
  • void SetPixelHLS(uint posX, uint posY, uint posZ, uint posW, float pixelH, float pixelL, float pixelS)
  • bool HasAlpha()
  • void SetAlpha(bool alpha)
  • uint resolutionXNum (get)
  • uint resolutionXDenom (get)
  • uint resolutionYNum (get)
  • uint resolutionYDenom (get)
  • uint resolutionZNum (get)
  • uint resolutionZDenom (get)
  • uint resolutionWNum (get)
  • uint resolutionWDenom (get)
  • void SetResolution(uint resXNum, uint resXDenom, uint resYNum, uint resYDenom, uint resZNum, uint resZDenom, uint resWNum, uint resWDenom)
  • uint previewScale (get)


// cache often used properties in local variables
var image = Document.RasterImage;
var sizeX = image.sizeX;
var sizeY = image.sizeY;

// iterate through pixels and erase those with even sum of X and Y coordinates
for (x=0; x<sizeX; x++)
    for (y=0; y<sizeY; y++)
        if ((x+y)&1)
            image.SetPixel(x, y, 0, 0, 0);

Recent comments

user icon PAEz contributing user on November 7th 2013

You know what would be awesome, if GetPixel could take float for x and y and bilinear interpolate....just so I dont have to add it to my scripts ;-) Would help speed them up a little.

user icon Vlasta site administrator on November 7th 2013

That is an interesting idea, but maybe it would be better if it were a separate method.

Also, this is a very old interface, it has been here since the beginning of scripting in RW tools many years ago and there is some outdated stuff, for example the Z and W coordinates, which are not supported anymore. Perhaps a new interface (RasterImage2 or something better) would be even better. I'll put a proposal on the forum.

user icon Sree registered user on November 20th 2020

That's amazing! I just made this quick little code to make a red-blue gradient sort of thing!

// cache often used properties in local variables
var bmp = Document.RasterImage;
var w = bmp.sizeX;
var h = bmp.sizeY;
// the below lines are to just cache the values instead of calculating them every time!
var widthmap = [], heightmap = [];
// bitshifting for uint is not possible and 2**24, 2**16 are not recognized! :(
// Multiply with:
//   65536 to change R component
//   256 to change G component
//   1 to change B component
// The square root is there to simulate gamma correction or something, watch this for explanation: youtu.be/LKnqECcg6Gw
for (var x = w-1; x >= 0; x--) {widthmap[x] = parseInt(Math.sqrt(x/w)*255)*65536;}
for (var y = h-1; y >= 0; y--) {heightmap[y] = parseInt(Math.sqrt(y/h)*255)*1;}

for (var y = h-1; y >= 0; y--) {
    for (var x = w-1; x >= 0; x--) {
        bmp.SetPixel(x, y, 0, 0, 255*(16777216) + widthmap[x] + heightmap[y]);
user icon LoganDark registered user on November 15th 2021

Okay how in the world does this end up making the image completely transparent?

I'm literally just unpacking each pixel and then repacking it

var image = Document.RasterImage;
var sizeX = image.sizeX;
var sizeY = image.sizeY;
for (x=0; x < sizeX; x++) {
	for (y=0; y < sizeY; y++) {
		var argb = image.GetPixel(x, y, 0, 0);
		var a = argb >> 24 & 0xFF;
		var r = argb >> 16 & 0xFF;
		var g = argb >> 8 & 0xFF;
		var b = argb & 0xFF;
		image.SetPixel(x, y, 0, 0, (a << 24) & (r << 16) & (g << 8) & b);

Makes no sense...

user icon Vlasta site administrator on November 15th 2021

You are using & instead of |, I suppose.

user icon LoganDark registered user on November 15th 2021

Oh whoops, thanks for catching that! I don't do bitwise math often xD

user icon Anonymous
Select background
What about ICL files?