Remove objects from photo - Tutorial

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Remove objects from photo - Tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates how to remove unwanted objects from photographs using the clone tool in RealWorld Photos. The sample image used in this tutorial can be found in the media library distributed with RelaWorld Photos under the tutorial tag.

Narration transcript

Greetings, dear viewers.

I am going to show you shot to remove unwanted objects from photographs using the Clone tool in the RealWorld Photos application.

Start RealWorld Photos, click Open and then switch to the "Tagged library" and double-click the Hazmburg-ruins file. You can see a nice ruin of a tower, but also a couple of pesky people. I want those people removed.

I'll switch to the Clone tool (it looks like a rubber stamp) using toolbar above the image. The panel by the right side of the window allows me to change properties of the tool. The clone tool uses the brush tool to specify the region to overwrite.

There are two modes - absolute and relative. Explore the difference between them yourself. For now, switch to relative mode.

To specify the source point of cloning, press and hold down the CONTROL key and click on the image. In relative mode, the source is relative to the destination and moves with the cursor. Once you are happy with the source, use the Clone tool as would use a Brush tool.

The first one was easy, 8 more to go.

Use the control key again to change the source point if you are unhappy with the current one. It is best to copy not just from one location, but from multiple. Choose locations similar to the neighborhood of the unwanted object.

Removing this person in red will be a bit harder, because there is not a lot of space from where to copy. I'll reduce the radius of the cloning brush to have more control.

If you are wondering how to quickly pan and zoom the picture, it is done using the mouse wheel. Drag with mouse wheel pressed to pan.

If you do the removing right, no one will be able to tell that you have done any modifications to the photo not.

The clone tool works similarly in many graphic applications. What you see here is a pretty common technique.

You can find direct link to RealWorld Photos homepage in the description of this video.

It s done!

In RealWorld Photos, The clone tool has also 2 special modes, which can be a lot of fun. You can choose to only copy details to create a ghost of the tower. It is not very visible on this video, because the effect is subtle. Or choose to only copy the background and recolor the grass using the clouds as a source.

Thanks for watching and do not erase the whole world while retouching.

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user icon jake registered user on September 2nd 2012

:-( :-(

lol it works

user icon oriolego registered user on October 16th 2012

OMG YOU KILLED THEM :-D cool program

user icon Anonymous on October 25th 2012

Wow excellent job. Finally got it into my designer bag!

user icon Anonymous on December 3rd 2012

;-)great application and easy to use..

user icon Anonymous on March 28th 2013

Your program is very impressive. I am going to explore it thoroughly.

user icon Anonymous on October 4th 2013

Can you do that to Obama? LOLOL

user icon Anonymous on June 29th 2015

That whole wonderful panel you show on the right, doesn't show on my version. I only see one small box. Changing from relative to absolute isn't anywhere on my screen. I think I'm missing some boxes.

Nevermind...I figured it out. You have to hold the control key down, move the pink dot point, then let go of control key, then move to where you're copying and start brushing.

user icon Anonymous on September 22nd 2015

8-) It works! Helped me a lot :-)
I hope to see more! :-o

user icon Anonymous on May 17th 2020

:-) cooooooooooool very good works excellent ...

user icon orimus registered user on July 10th 2020

oh my God is good

user icon Anonymous
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