Tagged media library

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Tagged media library

The Tagged storage provides an alternative way of storing and retrieving files created in RealWorld Designer applications. Instead of putting them into folders, the files are stored in database and associated with any number of tags.

rsrc/tagged-storage-open.png image

Accessing Tagged storage

The storage can be accessed in all relevant open or save dialogs. Tabs at the top of these windows allow you to choose between normal file system and the tagged storage.

Any number of tags can be attached to each file. Multiple files with same name can be stored in the tagged storage and arbitrary text notes can be attached to each file.

When opening files, activate tags by clicking them in the All tags box. Files matching the activated tags are displayed in the file list box. Double-click a file to open it.

When saving a file, specify its filename and tags and click OK or press Enter. If a file is selected in the list of files and the "Create new revision" box is not checked, the selected file will be overwritten. Otherwise a new file will be created.

When to use tagged storage?

The tagged storage was designed specially for users, who create a lot of files, use them in different projects, often modify them and want to keep multiple revisions of each file and still find files related to a project or by topic. If you fall into this category, definitely give the tagged storage a chance.

Advanced operations

Files can be moved between the tagged storage and file system using drag and drop method.

The files in tagged storage are stored in a database on the local file system. The database can be backed up, restored, and merged.

Merging two databases can be used to cooperate on larger projects. The restoration function allows merging content of two databases based on file modification dates.

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on March 23rd 2013

como faz para usar a seta que eu criei ?

user icon Anonymous on July 23rd 2016

Where can I restore the real world cursor, because I have lost the colors

user icon Bhavin registered user on December 30th 2018

where can i get the effect for symmetry

user icon RIDDLER registered user on January 8th

Is there a way to fix database errors when uploading cursor files, which has database errors?

user icon Anonymous
Select background
What about ICL files?