Items with Office tag

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Tag: Office

Art related to office software like Microsoft Office, Open Office and similar.

Icomix2 TeaserIcomix2 Icons
by Jack3104Second part of the Icomix set.
Sand TeaserSand Icons
by The Sword of the Heart2772These icons were created with the Unicorn3D module in RW Cursor Edito...
MS Word TeaserMS Word Icons
by Doc1194A series of high definition icons for Microsoft Word applications. Th...
Extension TeaserExtension Icons
by sixλxis1919All the most common extensions! Includes: mp3,mp4,mpeg,ogg,wav,wmv,wm...
GlossyApps TeaserGlossyApps Icons
by JDDellGuy1908A group of icons that includes icons for the full Microsoft Office 20...
GlassyApps TeaserGlassyApps Icons
by JDDellGuy1191A set of icons for the Microsoft Office Professional 2010 software. ...
Metal Series TeaserMetal Series Icons
by JDDellGuy1010A set of icons that are made with a metal frame around them. I am on...
Metal II Series TeaserMetal II Series Icons
by JDDellGuy1518The new, improved version of the Metal Series Icons. These icons hav...
Glossy Microsoft Office App TeaserGlossy Microsoft Office App Icons
by absterninja656These are app shaped icons based for Microsoft Office. Glossy Office ...
Microsoft Office (R) TeaserMicrosoft Office (R) Icons
by Davez934These icons are meant for Microsoft Office applications, such as Word...
SteelSquares Apps TeaserSteelSquares Apps Icons
by JDDellGuy1134A set of square icons with a steel appearance. I put a lot of effort...
Graphs TeaserGraphs Icons
by Sirea417Icons for different types of graphs and charts.
Microsoft Office SMB Blocks TeaserMicrosoft Office SMB Blocks Icons
by Virum64920rsrc/madeinfrance.png Microsoft Office icons that look like Super Mar...
by eMWe2310It's so animated. Modern, classic, smooth animated Windows Aero style...
Office 360 TeaserOffice 360 Icons
by nibbler892Original icons
Huntsville City Schools (HCS) TeaserHuntsville City Schools (HCS) Icons
by nibbler77A remix of
High Contrast_Feather Light TeaserHigh Contrast_Feather Light Cursors
by Zon3dy167This is a precise cursor set that combines light-weight icons with a ...
School TeaserSchool Cursors
by nibbler1894I ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴍᴀɢᴇs ᴏɴ Pɪsᴋᴇʟ ᴀɴᴅ ...
Cubular Microsoft Office TeaserCubular Microsoft Office Icons
by 58629255Translation errors may occur. ENGLISH: Well? It's Microsoft Office ic...
Golden Blue (Aero) TeaserGolden Blue (Aero) Cursors
by Theogtm2738A cool varieties of cursors based on the colors light blue and gold m...
Pix Office ⚫ TeaserPix Office ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx470A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
5×7 Dot Matrix Character Teaser5×7 Dot Matrix Character Icons
by nibbler308These are like what you see on a calculator or any other device with ...
Basic Black White TeaserBasic Black White Cursors
by srbigodon2239Basic black white set of cursors
Custom 5×7 Dot Matrix Character TeaserCustom 5×7 Dot Matrix Character Icons
by nibbler115This is a custom set of the 5×7 Dot Matrix Character Icons.
Water Drops HD TeaserWater Drops HD Cursors
by Ludwig3116A high quality, animated cursor set resembling water drops. Free for ...
Business Administration TeaserBusiness Administration Cursors
by RIDDLER434In 2003 to 2005, I joined a Business Administration NVQ Level 1 cours...
Mek TeaserMek Cursors
by Kensaku1495The Mek Cursor sets delivers a modern, simple cursor set, wich is per...
Red Neon Laser Glow Simple Stylish (PALE) TeaserRed Neon Laser Glow Simple Stylish (PALE) Cursors
by lifeisillusion14kRed Neon Laser Glow Simple Stylish complete set (also a replacement f...
Blue Neon Laser Glow Simple Stylish TeaserBlue Neon Laser Glow Simple Stylish Cursors
by lifeisillusion3104Blue Neon Laser Glow Simple Stylish complete set (also a replacement ...
Vanilla-Vintage TeaserVanilla-Vintage Cursors
by Phantom378Vintage designs with a taste of vanilla... mmm my favorite :-D
F TeaserF Cursors
Galaxy 2 (Inspred by LunarDragon618) TeaserGalaxy 2 (Inspred by LunarDragon618) Icons
by PurpleHippie984Inspired by LunarDragon618, If you don't find an Icon here, maybe the...
LARS.KURTH art-design 6 TeaserLARS.KURTH art-design 6 Cursors
by LARS.KURTH.ad124Cursor set in retro colors for presentations and trainings with a fra...
Blue Pencil TeaserBlue Pencil Cursors
by CJ23just something i made cuz i was bored
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...