JScript Text

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JScript Text

Text is an interface wrapper accessible as a property of the Document object. It only works with text documents or if a sub-document of another document offers textual representation.

It may be used to work with text files when batch-processing to create logs or html code fragments.

Methods and properties

  • string All - get or set the entire text in the document.
  • int LineCount - returns number of lines in the document.
  • string GetLine(int index) - returns content of given line. Index is zero-based.
  • void ReplaceLine(int index, string line) - replaces content of the n-th line.
  • void InsertLine(int index, string line) - inserts a new line before n-th line and sets its contnent.
  • void DeleteLine(int index) - deletes n-th line.


Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on January 8th 2020



user icon Anonymous
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What about ICL files?