ClairvoyantOS's timeline

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ClairvoyantOS's timeline

The timeline displays icon and cursor sets added by ClairvoyantOS ordered by publishing time. Move your mouse over the time-line to display art previews.

Joined in Jan 2021
3 sets published
Traffic Cone (so far) TeaserTraffic Cone (so far) Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS63Stop and wait a minute. The road is still being worked on, piling up ...
Dark Samus TeaserDark Samus Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS477Finally done in 2 days. The Dark Samus Cursors. Hope this is a great ...
9 sets published
Paper Sky X3 TeaserPaper Sky X3 Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS3516This set is finished, but without the Person and Location select. You...
Ridged Red (and Orange) V1 TeaserRidged Red (and Orange) V1 Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS3973SO SMOOOOOOOTH. Most cursors (right now) are from StickyChannel92 (wh...
Metallic Malware TeaserMetallic Malware Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS551I'm working on it right now. So it will be a full set soon.
Permafrost Icicle TeaserPermafrost Icicle Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS115Another reupload from Cursors-4U. You can find these cursors by searc...
Aero's Version 2 (so far) TeaserAero's Version 2 (so far) Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS565Jamming, slamming, and printing are all just a few abilities of your ...
Permafrost Icicle (WIP) TeaserPermafrost Icicle (WIP) Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS273Another reupload from Cursors-4U. You can find these cursors by searc...
Chromium (WIP) TeaserChromium (WIP) Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS113I only recolored the Permafrost cursors which you can get here. This ...
Hologram TeaserHologram Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS346The original cursors are here. I just renamed them to what they looke...
1 set published
Vaporized Pastel TeaserVaporized Pastel Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS159I've been gone for a really long time now, so I thought that I should...
1 set published
Blackwidow TeaserBlackwidow Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS2828This cursor is from Cursors 4-U, I just decided to upload actual curs...
4 sets published
DIM Infra-Dotted [WIP] TeaserDIM Infra-Dotted [WIP] Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS1761The original set is from TheBlueGuy. I only reposted them here becaus...
Unfinished TeaserUnfinished Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS690Kinda like junkyard posts, but these are my unfinished cursors.
Permafrostlock TeaserPermafrostlock Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS1276Another VSThemes upload.
Crystal Dark: Storm TeaserCrystal Dark: Storm Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS2930Original cursors are from BlueGuy. I just decided to double upload to...
1 set published
Normal Colored 3D Pointers TeaserNormal Colored 3D Pointers Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS99Just normal cursors. I cant make cursors because I switched to a scho...
Jan 2022
Jan 2023
Last seen in Mar 2023
2 sets published
MMXX TeaserMMXX Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS1524Sooo, I forgot that you aren't supposed to reupload raylark cursors, ...
Gami TeaserGami Cursors
by ClairvoyantOS433Sooo, I forgot that you aren't supposed to reupload raylark cursors, ...
Jan 2024
Jan 2025
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...