Cursor Set - Permafrost Icicle

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Permafrost Icicle Cursors

Permafrost Icicle
  • Published on February 18th 2021 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
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Another reupload from Cursors-4U. You can find these cursors by searching Unborn 8.0 White Set. Again, I only did the bevel and renamed it to what it looks like. (Had to remove the middle of the Precision Select because it the writing was blocked by it.)

Using this cursor set for any other means besides using them is strictly forbidden without the permission from the author of these modified cursors. Please do not go around saying you and ONLY you made it, that is disrespectful to the author of this cursors, making them feel bad because they spent a lot of time on it. Thank you.


by ClairvoyantOS

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon ClairvoyantOS registered user on February 18th 2021

A mistake + glitch was made. Please do not view this one, and the original version is on my account.

user icon Anonymous on February 23rd 2022

k cool but cools kinda wierdly :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

user icon Anonymous