Moved's Art - sets #1-18

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Icon and cursor sets by Moved

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

Macromedia flash player TeaserMacromedia flash player Icons
by Moved36Icons from a program called Macromedia flash player
Windows logo evolution (96 style) TeaserWindows logo evolution (96 style) Icons
by Moved485Windows 96 is a windows parody on a browser from 2019 i made a fanmad...
Programs, apk and other images TeaserPrograms, apk and other images Icons
by Moved262Some programs and android apps, there a a sus
Hands TeaserHands Cursors
by Moved485My first cursor pack
Windows XP internet games TeaserWindows XP internet games Icons
by Moved117There are windows xp internet games icons
Windows Vista gameux.dll TeaserWindows Vista gameux.dll Icons
by Moved195This pack have windows vista icons from the file gameux.dll, you woul...
Oobefldr.dll extracted TeaserOobefldr.dll extracted Icons
by Moved193Those are from the file oobefldr.dll that is on windows vista , it ha...
Windows games TeaserWindows games Icons
by Moved247Some icons from games folder The windows xp are just fanmades You can...
Some aero styled TeaserSome aero styled Icons
by Moved363Some aero icons from windows vista/7
Paint Styled TeaserPaint Styled Icons
by Moved102I made 3 icons of some of my old paint pictures Icons
by Moved89Some icons from icon NOTE: These icons are not mine, so t...
Blue pixel TeaserBlue pixel Cursors
by Moved15This is not complete
Blue pixel TeaserBlue pixel Cursors
by Moved16This is not complete
Screen-recording tools TeaserScreen-recording tools Icons
by Moved120Some screen recording icons
Disc package TeaserDisc package Icons
by Moved132Some icons related to packages
Red-Load Media Achievements TeaserRed-Load Media Achievements Icons
by Moved57My very first 3D Icons (Because most i made are aero)
More of Dinh Cong The's TeaserMore of Dinh Cong The's Icons
by Moved109I made more faces, credit to Dinh Cong The for the faces
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
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