McPetey McNustard's Art - sets #1-12

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Icon and cursor sets by McPetey McNustard

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

McNustard's Rocket TeaserMcNustard's Rocket Cursors
by McPetey McNustard1305Various Rocket Based Cursors, with various of degrees of flamatry.
McNustard's Ornate TeaserMcNustard's Ornate Cursors
by McPetey McNustard419Various Ornate Cursors, for when you're feeling extra Victorian.
McNustard's Junkyard TeaserMcNustard's Junkyard Cursors
by McPetey McNustard52Here is where all of my lonely cursors go to find peace... I hope tha...
McNustard's MKII Ornate TeaserMcNustard's MKII Ornate Cursors
by McPetey McNustard593If you're feeling extra fancy, this is the set for you.
McNustard's Ornate MKIII TeaserMcNustard's Ornate MKIII Cursors
by McPetey McNustard166For when you need some classy cursors.
McNustard's Space Ship TeaserMcNustard's Space Ship Cursors
by McPetey McNustard127Just a couple intergalactic cursors for all of your astro-computing n...
McNustard's Sword TeaserMcNustard's Sword Cursors
by McPetey McNustard1897The perfect set for the aspiring swordsman.
McNustard's Computer TeaserMcNustard's Computer Cursors
by McPetey McNustard460For the Aspiring Computer Enthusiast.
McNustard's Desktop Buddy TeaserMcNustard's Desktop Buddy Cursors
by McPetey McNustard312If your feeling lonely, here's a Desktop Buddy to keep you company!
McNustard's Light/Dark Segmented TeaserMcNustard's Light/Dark Segmented Cursors
by McPetey McNustard183"Minimalistic" Segmented Cursors that feature both Light and Dark var...
McNustard's Minimalist TeaserMcNustard's Minimalist Cursors
by McPetey McNustard92For those who want a nice, clean, semi-retro look.
Vista & Win 7 icons
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