Hayden's Art - sets #1-10

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Icon and cursor sets by Hayden

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First Theme TeaserFirst Theme Cursors
by Hayden238My first set of cursors on the library, sorry about how sloppy they a...
Aero Revamp (AKA First Theme Update) TeaserAero Revamp (AKA First Theme Update) Cursors
by Hayden381an update of my last set based around the aero cursors with a custom ...
Firey Doom TeaserFirey Doom Cursors
by Hayden524sorry about how small this is compared to the some of the other theme...
Aero 3D Revamp TeaserAero 3D Revamp Cursors
by Hayden834a 3d remake of my previous aero revamp
The Avengers TeaserThe Avengers Cursors
by Hayden1503a cursor set based on the Avengers movie, this is my first non aero b...
Heroes Of Gaming TeaserHeroes Of Gaming Cursors
by Hayden563this set celebrates the heroes of classic gaming, i made each of thes...
Super 3D Mario Bros TeaserSuper 3D Mario Bros Cursors
by Hayden344a new spin on the 8-bit world of super mario bros, I hope you like it...
TimeLord TeaserTimeLord Cursors
by Hayden1462Awesome Doctor Who cursors for genuine whovians, sorry about how litt...
Medieval Warrior TeaserMedieval Warrior Cursors
by Hayden1142Cursors inspired by the ages of old, hope you like it!
Armoured Avenger TeaserArmoured Avenger Cursors
by Hayden2077An awesome Cursor set based on the armoured avenger himself, Iron Man...
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
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