AJaxx's Art - sets #81-120

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Icon and cursor sets by AJaxx

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

Sapphire ⚫ TeaserSapphire ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx923A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Sport Nou ⚫ TeaserSport Nou ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx1051A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2002 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Colony ⚫ TeaserColony ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx1377A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2002 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Windows XP TeaserWindows XP Cursors
by AJaxx12kHere are the original cursors from Windows XP. I did not include the ...
Pinkiest TeaserPinkiest Cursors
by AJaxx862Made these for the TOTM-August and for Breast Cancer awareness (Octob...
Aystics - Chrome TeaserAystics - Chrome Cursors
by AJaxx5510A fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on darker back...
Aystics - Glacier TeaserAystics - Glacier Cursors
by AJaxx30kA fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on light & dar...
Aystics - Poison TeaserAystics - Poison Cursors
by AJaxx3404A fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on light & dar...
Aystics - Electric TeaserAystics - Electric Cursors
by AJaxx23kA fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on light & dar...
Aystics - Azure TeaserAystics - Azure Cursors
by AJaxx6379A fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on light & dar...
Aystics - Berry TeaserAystics - Berry Cursors
by AJaxx3773A fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on light & dar...
Aystics - Fire TeaserAystics - Fire Cursors
by AJaxx9393A fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on light & dar...
Aystics - Pumpkin TeaserAystics - Pumpkin Cursors
by AJaxx2738A fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on light & dar...
Apostle TeaserApostle Cursors
by AJaxx8601A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Nitro-Tech ⚫ TeaserNitro-Tech ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx3177A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2012 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Astro TeaserAstro Cursors
by AJaxx6097A fun set of cursors for windows. Both sizes [32,48] are included. Ad...
Red Star ⚪ TeaserRed Star ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx3112A fun set of cursors from 2011 by Tchiro with added /bonus cursors an...
Alien (Purple) ⚫ TeaserAlien (Purple) ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx1980A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2005 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Palais TeaserPalais Cursors
by AJaxx291A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Xonix TeaserXonix Cursors
by AJaxx4864A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Tronic TeaserTronic Cursors
by AJaxx4330A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Pix Office ⚫ TeaserPix Office ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx463A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Caution ⚪ TeaserCaution ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx283A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Cosmos ⚪ TeaserCosmos ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx878A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2008 ported for windows. Added extra ...
Mellon TeaserMellon Cursors
by AJaxx1568A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Trinity of Colors ⚪ TeaserTrinity of Colors ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx1591A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2011 ported for windows. Credit: Kron...
Etheros TeaserEtheros Cursors
by AJaxx3082A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Etheros Classic TeaserEtheros Classic Cursors
by AJaxx596A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Delta TeaserDelta Cursors
by AJaxx1365A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Batman ⚪ TeaserBatman ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx1865A fun, legacy CursorXP set ported for windows. Both sizes [32,48] inc...
Mechanical ⚫ TeaserMechanical ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx3036A fun, legacy CursorXP set ported for windows. Both sizes [32,48] inc...
Rotary ⚫ TeaserRotary ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx2609A fun, legacy CursorXP set ported for windows. Both sizes [32,48] inc...
Venom ⚫ TeaserVenom ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx3429A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2010 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Amidamaru ⚫ TeaserAmidamaru ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx1119A fun, legacy CursorXP set from 2005 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Augur TeaserAugur Cursors
by AJaxx1703A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Goldbat ⚪ TeaserGoldbat ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx2311A fun, legacy CursorXP set from 2005 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Crypto TeaserCrypto Cursors
by AJaxx2279A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
TnT - Black ⚪ TeaserTnT - Black ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx27kA fun, legacy CursorXP set ported for windows. Both sizes [32,48] inc...
Release TeaserRelease Cursors
by AJaxx1929A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Nucleus Re-Materialized ⚫ TeaserNucleus Re-Materialized ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx5421A fun cursor set in size [32] by Razorsedge & Mr. Grim collaboration....
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
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