Cursor Set - Aystics - Fire

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Aystics - Fire Cursors

Aystics - Fire
  • Published on September 12th 2016 by AJaxx.
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
4.9 out of 5 stars. (5 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

A fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on light & dark backgrounds). As well, the role designations are designed to smoothly flow together in seamless transitions.

Added extra/bonus cursors for user enjoyment. Both sizes [32,48] are included.

Have fun & enjoy!

<29.9.'16 Modifications & enhancements>

For optimum Glow effect/visual shimmer, I find it best to set the mouse trail & speed (in settings) to maximum, with natural backgrounds when in use; Slightly darker as a desktop.

Tags: Sci-fi Triangular Windows 7 ■ Black ■ Red □ Transparent


by AJaxx

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on August 20th 2021

I can't change my mouse cursors

user icon Anonymous on August 31st 2021

you can change there are some steps download the cursor from here then go to the control panel then search over their mouse then press the mouse option then it will open mouse properties then go to pointers option on the top then click on the browse then go to downloads then your cursor will be there which you have download and then select the cursor which you have download then press the apply button all done your cursor have changed easyily.

user icon Diamond registered user on November 11th 2021

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Woah very cool but not really smooth in my opinion please make it smoother.

user icon GeorgiosNexus registered user on November 16th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

nice. Good move ! :-D

user icon BAZZI registered user on November 24th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

wow this is awesome 8-)

nice doe

user icon Anonymous on November 26th 2021

This is very cool

user icon Anonymous on February 10th 2022

wow :-D

user icon Anonymous on May 14th 2022

Thats so coooooooool

and nice

change=write in windows 7 mouse opeen mouse go point and clik browse btw the musse rar have to extract

user icon Anonymous on August 13th 2023

8-) :-D

These are oretty great hoenstly, hey look cool too

user icon Anonymous on December 5th 2024

how do i get to use these i donloaded them

user icon Anonymous