J0n_+4r0's profile

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J0n_+4r0's profile

View J0n_+4r0's timeline, last visit on December 21st 2024

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I'm Japanese.
Don't speak English...
Not very knowledgeable about computers...
The image on the → is part of an illustration I plan to use for a cursor I am currently working on.
I love you guys.

Latest art

Great Magic TeaserGreat Magic Cursors
by J0n_+4r0423Not particularly great.
fishing rod blue Teaserfishing rod blue Cursors
by J0n_+4r0777can't catch anything. ※The hotspot is at the end of the line.
Blue Carbuncle(Revised version) TeaserBlue Carbuncle(Revised version) Cursors
by J0n_+4r0121Cherish the Carbuncle. ※The canvas size is set to 48. ※There’s ...
cat ball Teasercat ball Cursors
by J0n_+4r064Whether it's a cat or not, it's questionable if it's even a living cr...

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Recent comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on October 28th

Bad start. Many of your cursors that you have uploaded a moment ago are not visible.

user icon J0n_+4r0 registered user on October 29th

Thank you for your comment.

I've just posted the revised Carbuncle.

It does seem like I had a bit of a rough start...
I apologize for showing some of my inexperience.

However, I’m committed to improving so that everyone can enjoy my work, so I’d be grateful if you could continue to check out my future posts.(๑`·ᴗ·´๑)

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on October 29th

welcome to RW designer
cute cursors icon-image/24825-16x16x32.png image

user icon J0n_+4r0 registered user on November 11th

I'm happy to be welcomed.
The cursor is adorable(*´╰╯`๓)
Looking forward to working with you.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on November 12th

I did not meant to offend you by saying bad start. It was a bad start on the
Blue Carbuncle Cursors because they were invisible.

Now, with your two recently uploaded sets, they are properly made. Well done for improving your skills. Just remember to always double check your cursors and their hotspots prior to uploading them as a completed set. Good luck with your brand new profile.

user icon J0n_+4r0 registered user on November 13th

I'm not upset, so please don’t worry about it.
On the contrary, I appreciate your feedback.

I saw your comment on the Blue Carbuncle (the failed attempt).
I’ve been trying to figure out how to delete it, but since it seems it has to be replaced with a new cursor, I plan to create a new one soon and use that as a replacement.

Please look forward to the new piece◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜

user icon Anonymous on November 23rd

:-D D:


user icon Anonymous on November 29th

8-) 8-) 8-) |-) :-o :-( :-)

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
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