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JDDellGuy's profile

View JDDellGuy's timeline, last visit on April 21st 2019

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Thanks for looking at my icons and cursors! The first cursors and icons in my portfolio were made using only the raster editor in RealWorld Cursor/Icon editor, however, I have now taken to modeling cursors in Blender 3D and then taking the rendered animations and converting them to cursors or icons. I hope you enjoy them!

Featured art


MechBlade Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on April 23rd 2012 by JDDellGuy

A set of metallic blade-looking cursors with black trim. Modeled and rendered in Blender, and "cursorified" in RealWorld Cursor Editor.

I used a combination of animated and static cursors and had to make several edits while I was designing the set in order to keep a consistent, but functional design.

Feel free to use these however you wish, just please don't re-upload them or any variations of them on the site.

Please leave a review below about how well you liked them as well as anything you liked or didn't like about them! I apreciate all types of constructive critisism. Enjoy! :-D

(Also feel free to check out my other sets here! JDDellGuy's Portfolio)

Latest art

Green Chrome TeaserGreen Chrome Icons
by JDDellGuy364A set of green icons with a chrome frame that I designed for someone ...
FireSteel TeaserFireSteel Cursors
by JDDellGuy897This is actually a set of cursors that I began developing in early 20...
GlowDroid TeaserGlowDroid Icons
by JDDellGuy2303I designed these because I wanted some custom icons for my smartphone...
MechBlade TeaserMechBlade Cursors
by JDDellGuy5949A set of metallic blade-looking cursors with black trim. Modeled and...
Fireblade TeaserFireblade Cursors
by JDDellGuy2111A high-contrast static cursor set made that I have made with Blender ...
Slick-Tech TeaserSlick-Tech Cursors
by JDDellGuy3937My latest Blender and RealWorld Cursor Editor Combination work! This...
Concept and Miscellaneous TeaserConcept and Miscellaneous Cursors
by JDDellGuy1958A set that I made in order to condense my various miscellaneous creat...
Gem TeaserGem Icons
by JDDellGuy1607A set of Gem icons that matches the gem cursors that I uploaded earli...
Gem TeaserGem Cursors
by JDDellGuy3072A set of gem cursors that I have made using Blender and RealWorld Cur...
Steampunk TeaserSteampunk Cursors
by JDDellGuy20kAnother cursor set that I have made using Blender and the RealWorld G...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where JDDellGuy participated

Recent comments

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user icon Anonymous on June 7th 2021

Great way to explain things. Nice

user icon xXLucas cursorsXx registered user on October 6th 2021


user icon TenZue registered user on February 12th 2022


user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on April 27th 2022

we miss you ! icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

user icon Henry vntv registered user on July 3rd 2022

bruh icon-image/24200-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24331-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24331-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24332-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24333-16x16x32.png image

user icon Henry vntv registered user on July 3rd 2022

i see that how do you get a trophiy kit ? icon-image/23969-16x16x32.png image icon-image/23969-16x16x32.png image

user icon ツ☪ spunch_bop♡♥ registered user on December 13th 2022

you are a cursor and icon god 10000000000000000000000 out of 5 stars.
Plz make more cursors
:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-) :-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-) :-D 8-) :-o 8-) :-o :-o :-o 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-o ;-) :-) :-D :-D :-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-)

user icon Anonymous on April 18th 2023

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

user icon Henry vntv registered user on July 7th 2023

icon-image/24200-16x16x32.png image [[image:icon-image/24200-16x16 icon-image/23969-16x16x32.png image x32.png]]

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on July 7th 2023

Hola icon-image/24825-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?