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Nick's profile

View Nick's timeline, last visit on February 18th 2016

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I'm 16 years old and I live in the United States :-).

Featured art


Rs v2 Cursors (7 cursors)

Released on August 26th 2010 by Nick

Runescape Cursors mostly dragon items with a d spear. More Item will Most likely be added soon.

Latest art

RuneScape v3 TeaserRuneScape v3 Cursors
by Nick432Made up of all the requests I've received over the past few months.
New & Revised RS TeaserNew & Revised RS Cursors
by Nick345Some cursors redone. More are being added.
Nick Is Back! TeaserNick Is Back! Cursors
by Nick904Please i Need some requests!
Rs v2 TeaserRs v2 Cursors
by Nick295Runescape Cursors mostly dragon items with a d spear. More Item will ...
Runescape Requested Cursors TeaserRunescape Requested Cursors Cursors
by Nick1592Some recently requested Cursors.
Runescaper Skillcapes TeaserRunescaper Skillcapes Cursors
by Nick686All Runescape Skillcapes (t).
Runescape Colored Whips TeaserRunescape Colored Whips Cursors
by Nick146Runescape regular, green, blue, black, white, purple, and Yellow whips.
Runescape Dragon Weapons + Dharok's Greataxe And Saradomin Sword TeaserRunescape Dragon Weapons + Dharok's Greataxe And Saradomin Sword Cursors
by Nick1531Runescape Weapons - Whip, Dragon Dagger (p++), D 2h, Dragon Longsword...
All Phats TeaserAll Phats Cursors
by Nick775Runescape red, yellow, white, green, blue, and purple party hat plus ...
Runescape Items TeaserRunescape Items Cursors
by Nick4174Runescape Rs Ags Armadyl Godsword coins 16m sgs saradomin god sword

Show all icon and cursor sets.

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user icon Nick registered user on April 16th 2011

Follow Me on twitter people!

user icon Davez registered user on April 26th 2011

Hm you really like RuneScape eh? :-)

I should make some RS cursors too. Just one isn't enough...

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on May 25th 2011
user icon Nick registered user on September 15th 2011

Need some Req's guys, any items you guys want? Also just tell me if you want any previous cursors redone because my earlier ones are pretty bad but I've improved. So just comment and tell me :-)

user icon Tails the fox registered user on October 25th 2011

what school do you go to icon-image/5300-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on September 26th 2012

can you speak german

könnt ihr deutsch??? 8-) 8-)

user icon Anonymous on October 15th 2012


user icon Anonymous on October 15th 2012

I can but I'm new

I do not get on this a lot

user icon aaliyahsykes123 registered user on December 14th 2012

hiya x :-) :-)

user icon cdl contributing user on February 18th 2016

Hey Nick!

Come play with us!
Check out our monthly Theme of the Month contest with Mysterious Prizes!
Everyone that enters wins something!

This blog entry has a few useful links for information in RW:

icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
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