Force-15's profile

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Force-15's profile

View Force-15's timeline, last visit on April 14th 2014

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Force-15's picture

I'm a mechanical engineer based in Australia and occasionally do sketches and some graphics work as a hobby, including cursor sets and icons. If you want to use my submitted works for commercial purposes please send me a message.

(In case you're wondering the car in my photo is one of my simpler designs (the Comet TE9r) modelled and rendered in SolidWorks 2009.)

Latest art

Modern TeaserModern Cursors
by Force-15641Originally made back in 2006, these cursors were (SHOCK HORROR!) not ...
Wedge (black) TeaserWedge (black) Cursors
by Force-154142An alternate version of my 'Wedge' cursors with black instead of whit...
Wedge TeaserWedge Cursors
by Force-152057These 'circular wedge' cursors are the first set that I have created ...

Forum topics, where Force-15 participated

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Recent comments

user icon Force-15 registered user on November 6th 2011

NOTE: Even though there are two "Force-15"s this is my main account. (The old one screwed up and I can't delete it. That's a warning for people who use apostrophes in their passwords!)

user icon Ricon registered user on November 6th 2011

Good one!

user icon Anonymous on February 1st 2012

Can you do Anna+William=Love, with hearts around it? I'd be honored if you did!
Please do! ; 8-) |-) -)

oh, and can you add GA at the end because we live in Georgia? thx

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?