An alternate version of my 'Wedge' cursors with black instead of white arrows. (Please note that I drew the 'cross' and 'beam' cursors using negative pixels; that's why they don't display.)
Being 32-bit files they work best in Windows Vista and 7. (In Windows XP the shadows don't work and I'm not sure if they'll work in Windows 2000.)
If you have any issues with the cursors or want to request commercial use, please leave a comment.
Tags: Triangular Simple ■ Black
3 out of 5 stars.
Me gustan los colores y los punteros de cargando, segundo plano y el normal. Muy buenos las formas
3 out of 5 stars.
I am not sure what you mean by "negative pixels." Do you mean invisible? In that case, they are useless as cursors because you cannot see them.
The rest of the set is very functonal and the deisgn works well without being too distracting. There are sets like this one that benefit from being simple in appearance. Some people like a simple deign better. I would like to see those two "negative pixel" cursors fixed to have "positive pixels" however.
4.5 out of 5 stars.
Nice to see an expert at work!
And I tested on Windows 8, and it works perfectly!
And I can see the Black Shadow!
3.5 out of 5 stars.
busy is great, working too. Then what happened?
The rest look blah by comparison, well maybe not the html cause it has a little bit of blue and some animation going on. Not sure I dig the help though, the orange just seems out of place with the green and blue. I think they might look better to me if the black were black and not just some dark gray.
really like the busy!
4 out of 5 stars.
I can't see beam or cross but I love the rest!
3.5 out of 5 stars.
Gooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
I am not sure what you mean by "negative pixels." Do you mean invisible? In that case, they are useless as cursors because you cannot see them.
The rest of the set is very functonal and the deisgn works well without being too distracting. There are sets like this one that benefit from being simple in appearance. Some people like a simple deign better. I would like to see those two "negative pixel" cursors fixed to have "positive pixels" however. lol me copy and pasted lolol
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