Nr. | Original expression | Translated expression | ||
121 | 55mm Polarizer... | |||
122 | 55mm Selective Color... | |||
123 | 55mm Selective Focus... | |||
124 | 55mm Selective Grad... | |||
125 | 55mm Skin Smoother... | |||
126 | 55mm Star... | |||
127 | 55mm Streaks... | |||
128 | 55mm Temperature... | |||
129 | 55mm Tint... | |||
130 | 55mm Warm Mist... | |||
131 | 55mm Warm/Cool... | |||
132 | 8-bits palette | |||
133 | 8-bits palette RLE compressed | |||
134 | A raster image is a rectangular area of dots called pixels. A picture is created by assigning each dot a color using various drawing tools. All photographs and most pictures found on the web are in fact raster images. | 光栅图像是一个由称作“像素”的点组成的矩形区域。通过使用各种绘图工具为每个点分配颜色来创建图片。在网上找到的所有照片和大多数图片实际上都是光栅图像。 | ||
135 | A rectangle can be mapped onto a Bézier patch. | 矩形可以映射到贝塞尔曲面上。 | ||
136 | A rectangle can be moved, scaled in X and Y directions and rotated. | 矩形可被移动,在 X 轴与 Y 轴方向缩放并旋转。 | ||
137 | A rectangle can be turn into arbitrary convex quadrangle as if it were rotated in 3D space and projected back using perspective projection. | 矩形可以转换为任意凸四边形,就好像在三维空间内旋转并使用透视投影一样投射回来。 | ||
138 | A short description of this operation displayed in status bar or tooltip. | |||
139 | A temporary folder, where processed files are put by default. | 默认会将处理过的文件放在一个临时文件夹 | ||
140 | A vector image consists of geometric shapes like ellipses, lines, rectangles or glyphs. Individual shapes can be modified at any time and can be filled with solid colors, patterns or color gradients. | 一个矢量图像由椭圆、直线、矩形或符号几何形状组成,可以随时修改,可以填充单色、图案或渐变颜色。 |