Nr. | Original expression | Translated expression | ||
741 | Icons | 图标 | ||
742 | Identifier of the fill style. | 填充样式的标识符。 | ||
743 | Identifier of the image mask. | 图像遮罩的标识符。 | ||
744 | Identifier of the state that holds the current selection mask. | |||
745 | Identifier of the view state holding the image mask. | 含有图像遮罩的视图状态的标识符。 | ||
746 | Identifier of the view used for operation result preview. | 用于操作结果预览的视图标识符。 | ||
747 | If checked, pixels are copied using constant offset. If unchecked, pixels are always copied from selected point. | |||
748 | If checked, the parameter will be influenced by pen pressure if tablet is available. | 如果选中此项,在平板电脑上此参数将受到触笔压力的影响。 | ||
749 | If dashing is enabled, the pattern can consist of up to 32 'space' and '-' characters representing the dashing. | 如果启用虚线,则模式最多可包含 32 个空格和“-”字符来表示虚线。 | ||
750 | If enabled, menu commands related to layout configuration and switching will be visible in main menu. | 如果勾选,在主菜单中将显示与布局配置和切换相关的菜单命令。 | ||
751 | If enabled, the 'Manage Filters command will not be displayed in menu. Plug-ins may always be modified using layout configuration dialog. | |||
752 | If enabled, the application will gather information about untranslated strings and allow their translation. | 如果勾选,应用程序将收集有关未翻译字符串的信息并允许其翻译。 | ||
753 | If enabled, the glowing will keep the color of the glowing object. | |||
754 | If enabled, the output image will always have square proportions. | 如启用,输出图像将始终按方形比例 | ||
755 | If enabled, the shape will appear sunken insted of pulled out. | 如果勾选,形状将会显得凹陷而非突出。 | ||
756 | If enabled, untranslated strings will be preceded with [*] in the application window. | 如果勾选,将在应用程序窗口中的未翻译字符串之前添加 [*]。 | ||
757 | If needed | |||
758 | If the imported image is larger than the current canvas, the canvas will be extended. | |||
759 | Image | 图像 | ||
760 | Image - Viewer | 图像 - 浏览器 |