Nr. | Original expression | Translated expression | ||
441 | Coordinates | 坐标 | ||
442 | Coordinates of shapes' control points are limited to integral values. | 形状控制点的坐标只能为整数。 | ||
443 | Coordinates of shapes' control points can have any real values. | 形状控制点的坐标可以为任意实数。 | ||
444 | Copy as SVG path | |||
445 | Copy background | |||
446 | Copy details | |||
447 | Copy entire pixels | |||
448 | Copy of %s | 复制为 (%s) | ||
449 | Copy pixels from other part of the image. Pixels to overwrite are marked using tool "%s". | 从图像的其他部分复制像素,使用工具“%s”标记要覆盖的像素 | ||
450 | Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard. | 复制选择的区域,放在剪贴板上。 | ||
451 | Corner radius: | 圆角半径: | ||
452 | Create | 创建 | ||
453 | Create a 3D like effect emphasizing edges. | |||
454 | Create a new document. | 建立一个新文档。 | ||
455 | Create a new empty raster image of given size. | 创建指定大小的光栅图像。 | ||
456 | Create a new frame. Select where to add it. | 新建一个帧。选择添加位置。 | ||
457 | Create an empty text document. | 创建一个新的空文本文档 | ||
458 | Create animation | 创建动画 | ||
459 | Create animation by splitting image to given number of frames.<br><br><a href="">More information</a>. | 通过将图像分割到给定的帧数来创建动画。 | ||
460 | Create animation from the current image or filmstrip. | 使用现有图片/影片创建动画 |