Vlasta (2007-03-26 00:00:00):
nice set 8-Bit (2007-04-07 00:00:00):
Shweeeeeeeeeeet. Unknown author (2007-08-26 00:00:00):
My favourite cusors! thx they are sweet! Unknown author (2007-09-13 00:00:00):
The absolute best on the site Unknown author (2007-09-22 00:00:00):
Please make more. Unknown author (2008-03-28 00:00:00):
wtf?! i can't download it...aargh!! Unknown author (2008-05-04 00:00:00):
kick ass, dude! -downloads- kakka (2008-08-20 00:00:00 / 0.5 stars):
such Unknown author (2008-09-11 00:00:00):
Wow, these cursors are awsome I request the maker of these cursor if they can make this but black its would be so useful please please please pleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssssse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2009-01-13 11:36:31):
This set is awesome! Unknown author (2009-02-03 06:10:55):
what a shit cursurs,,, how invented them Unknown author (2009-02-10 22:41:51):
great one, using it now to write this comment. Unknown author (2009-12-11 15:43:59):
Dude's this is awsome i fight sixλxis (2010-02-09 18:35:30 / 4.5 stars):
They definitely caught my eye! 4.5/5 Unknown author (2010-03-01 09:37:31):
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mga dude mga amaw*_* Mimi (2010-04-20 12:39:16 / 4 stars):
great set! it would be perfect if it had a "busy" cursor as well Unknown author (2010-12-04 10:26:19):
needs a busy and workinginbackground cursor but otherwise its pretty awesome.. Unknown author (2011-09-17 23:41:18):
It shines........ Daniel W. (2011-10-06 02:32:02 / 5 stars):
Excellent work on these! The light ray traveling across them really does something for them. Unknown author (2011-10-21 00:09:09):
good work! Unknown author (2012-01-02 02:38:57):
BTW U forgot the bust The busy i mean Lost Girl (2012-02-16 00:25:09 / 5 stars):
These are cool! Very professional and cleanly done. SYNTHCRѺ (2012-07-27 22:55:48 / 4.5 stars):
Very nice the light ray that shines across them looks really good, nice animation. But you still need a busy and a working in background cursor. -SYNTHCRO deadly bro (2013-03-18 16:08:23 / 5 stars):
golden i love the golden cursors maybe i should make a golden cursor thanks man you inspired me and AWESOME cursors you got there boy they are the best 5 stars Unknown author (2013-04-05 03:31:22):
GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Unknown author (2015-12-10 22:17:06):
Good for my Win Xp. nibbler (2016-11-04 15:18:19 / 4.5 stars):
Nice set, but the orbs aren't gold. They look blue, but the details are gold. Unknown author (2017-10-05 22:24:02):
Unknown author (2017-10-19 18:50:13):
nice endergod150 (2017-10-20 19:50:30):
it looks BOSS! Unknown author (2017-12-30 06:58:34):
dope Unknown author (2018-03-03 02:45:56):
Very Fancy. Unknown author (2018-06-28 04:51:29):
i love the cursor, though it is missing a busy cursor. Overall, great cursor 80Mb (2018-12-12 19:41:42 / 4.5 stars):
Very nice, very gold, very futuristic. my only comment that makes this a 4.5 instead of 5 would be the white edges on each of the cursors. Besides that its a spectacular set. Keep up the good work! <3 C0$M!C G0D (2019-11-02 21:12:28 / 4.5 stars):
Soo gold and good! i really like the blue sphere in the middle but maybe take out the white edges Unknown author (2020-02-13 07:03:22):
how come every time my computer comes back on the file corrupts and I have to reset the cursors Unknown author (2020-02-18 07:35:37):
Unknown author (2020-05-14 01:36:35):
;-; Unknown author (2020-08-12 17:59:56):
legal O CUEIO BR (2020-09-09 19:48:02 / 5 stars):
MUITO DAORA O CUEIO BR (2020-09-09 20:43:29):
ELA É TÃO BOA QUE VOU DAR NOTA MÁXIMA Unknown author (2020-09-28 21:49:38):
it really great Unknown author (2020-11-19 13:14:57):
ótimo cursor Unknown author (2021-01-21 17:03:14):
Its good. 4 for me. remove the white flashes and its a 5. Its good. 4 for me. remove the white flashes and its a 5. Unknown author (2021-03-14 16:15:00):
j mvhgj Nightfury (2021-06-29 08:41:37 / 5 stars):
I love them jest reduce the slight puixalated Unknown author (2021-07-27 15:25:29):
so dumb
Unknown author (2021-08-24 14:27:10):
8-)muito legal Unknown author (2021-09-20 22:12:05):
brabo demais Unknown author (2021-09-24 06:17:20):
COOL Unknown author (2021-11-24 20:01:53):
EU AMEI E É MUITO DAORA E [EU JA TINHA] Unknown author (2021-12-10 10:48:41):
wow rosecandy22 (2022-01-16 08:49:17 / 4 stars):
Unknown author (2022-02-02 18:52:43):
pretty cool but I don't Unknown author (2022-05-19 11:17:04):
go to control panel mouse and set it as your own mouse pointer Unknown author (2022-06-24 03:53:50):
bruh it's TERRIBLE!!! Xudatxa Copacabana (2023-03-12 00:13:11 / 4.5 stars):
Esse é um cursor diferenciado; você poderia voltar e compor novos conjuntos. Unknown author (2023-06-16 05:51:33):
j Man so cool
Unknown author (2023-09-22 01:51:43):
This is pretty cool Unknown author (2023-10-26 05:56:19):
It is pretty cool bro i love it Unknown author (2023-11-25 20:07:57):
w mouse xTikans (2024-05-22 13:39:26 / 5 stars):
This is sick, being made in 2007 this set is incredible. ꧁Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2024-08-22 07:28:57):
Very graceful... Unknown author (2025-02-03 10:12:33):
This is the 1# rn and its actually so w asf |