Nikentomolog (2018-08-11 15:05:34 / 2.5 stars):
I am sorry, but these are kinda stupid. plus they are hard to use. JManGames (2018-08-20 06:02:08 / 0.5 stars):
These are trash and have no use fazmade112 (2018-08-20 11:46:04 / 0.5 stars):
fuck this Unknown author (2018-08-27 01:17:44):
i think its just for fun lmao matt (2018-08-27 19:59:40 / 5 stars):
yeah i think they're kinda sweet lol Con The Bro (2018-08-29 19:31:22 / 2 stars):
they are good animations but not good cursors Unknown author (2018-09-02 01:00:53):
superly done i love the "peepin out the window" thnx fazmade112 (2018-09-02 16:57:25):
this is not funny Unknown author (2020-12-17 06:27:57):
mkmmmmm drug ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-30 10:54:53 / 0.5 stars):
Oh shit Moved (2022-06-09 15:58:35 / 0.5 stars):
bad Unknown author (2023-07-31 11:12:47):
BG5DF (2023-12-07 21:07:04 / 0.5 stars):
Cringe Useless TenZue (2023-12-11 01:28:17 / 0.5 stars):
very disturbing Unknown author (2023-12-11 15:10:19):
nasty cursprs Unknown author (2023-12-12 12:01:51):
abit bad but i like dis one Unknown author (2025-01-28 23:05:48):
do drugs with your piss and drink the fuk outta that laced bich |