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Unknown author (2008-07-06 00:00:00):


Unknown author (2008-07-24 00:00:00):

link select is screwed up.. :-(

Unknown author (2009-02-18 23:03:01):


Unknown author (2009-07-06 19:43:48):

How did you collide mac and aero (vista) cursors together?

Unknown author (2009-08-21 03:00:54):

i cant get it...?

Unknown author (2010-01-13 14:55:42):

I love link select !!! and i finally found it!!! ;-) :-)

sixλxis (2010-02-09 18:57:03 / 5 stars):



Unknown author (2010-08-25 01:41:18):

Ummmm... Mac?

Unknown author (2010-09-13 01:55:05):


Jayce (2010-10-05 20:09:21):

u for got the working aero blob

Anonymous (2010-12-29 11:47:39):


Laker1573 (2011-01-07 13:13:03):

I want them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

Unknown author (2011-01-23 15:22:39):

I want them NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

احمد (2011-05-29 12:10:25 / 0.5 stars):

اين link select يا ترى ؟

koby_elian2000 (2011-08-20 04:16:29):

the hazard is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Unknown author (2011-10-28 01:28:27):

the hazard is the best :-D

Unknown author (2011-12-18 18:13:12):

( o ) ( o )

    \/ i wuv dem
Unknown author (2012-02-14 04:29:45):

fantastic but need more flaashing :-D :-D :-o |-) 8-) :-o :-( :-D :-) ;-)

Unknown author (2012-02-16 20:57:15):

Thanks, the best cursors

Matias0211 (2012-03-16 23:40:20 / 5 stars):

Muy buenos, me gustan ! :-) los movimientos continuos y las sombras, buen trabajo!! :-)

Mosher (2012-04-08 18:06:04 / 4.5 stars):

i liked them alot especially all the busy
the text select is cool too i also like the shadeing unavailible is cool
alternative is awesome too
you did an awesome job

i hope my review helped and nice job.

Unknown author (2012-07-26 17:01:25):

How to download it??
Forgot where to put them

SYNTHCRѺ (2012-08-05 16:18:09 / 4 stars):

Some of the hot spots are not in the right place but, other than that this is a good set.


Unknown author (2012-10-24 05:06:48):


Unknown author (2013-02-15 11:11:11):

How to set it up?

How to set it up? :-(

PolinaO (2013-06-06 22:33:19):

super! :-D

Unknown author (2013-07-30 23:25:26):

Nice man

Unknown author (2013-11-30 13:53:19):

yep are ..... mac corsors..... ;-)

Unknown author (2014-10-15 17:57:23):

well good on w8 :-)

Unknown author (2015-01-09 23:55:51):

OH YEAH!!! AWESOMEEEE! :-D :-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D ;-)

jujuh (2015-01-30 12:11:07 / 1 stars):

:-o |-)|-) |-)

thefish728 (2015-04-29 07:10:49 / 5 stars):

These look amazing. There's obviously been effort put into these. Keep up the great work!

Ludwig (2015-06-10 21:09:34 / 5 stars):

One of the best cursor sets I have ever seen and used. Especially the rainbow wheel is beautiful! icon-image/10140-16x16x32.png image

hoda (2015-07-23 22:41:59):


Unknown author (2015-09-03 03:27:15):

wow :-)

Unknown author (2015-11-19 06:00:28):

i cant downlouad in i have a mac

daitalos (2015-12-31 23:43:51 / 4.5 stars):


Unknown author (2016-01-04 06:09:20):

whats this

Unknown author (2016-01-23 16:48:52):


nibbler (2016-04-14 00:50:35 / 4.5 stars):

Some cursors have the hotspot off. Pretty good!

Unknown author (2016-04-20 22:53:24):

Kewl! :-D 8-)

PugsEatDonuts (2016-08-06 14:10:55):

Works perfectly! Good job!

Unknown author (2016-11-14 20:10:54):


Unknown author (2017-03-18 17:45:06):

I was looking for this.Thank you man !

Unknown author (2017-10-06 18:18:00):

ummmm mac+windows=windows mac

FlavioBr20201 (2017-11-21 22:32:33 / 4 stars):


Unknown author (2017-12-24 03:59:04):

nice, looks good on my pc

VrCat (2018-03-01 19:36:33 / 5 stars):

GREAT! :-o

Unknown author (2018-10-18 06:35:46):

so good !!!

Unknown author (2019-05-17 15:52:03):

this is not mac themed the normal cursor is black

Vlazteron (2019-09-07 16:03:23 / 4.5 stars):

Great mix!

lju5_ (2020-04-01 20:45:01 / 4 stars):

Love 'em!!! Nice work.

Unknown author (2020-04-04 16:09:56):

i love it :-D

Unknown author (2020-06-17 19:28:29):

Win Mac 95 os x

Unknown author (2020-07-12 05:12:30):


Unknown author (2020-08-03 12:03:29):

nice :-)

Unknown author (2020-08-05 00:15:00):

oh right :-D

Unknown author (2020-09-27 03:06:58):

:-D the busy is very god :-D

Unknown author (2020-12-18 02:29:05):

i like it but... the macOS defult cursor is black you know not white

Unknown author (2021-01-02 07:37:53):

wow can you make the cursor that is big sur or catalina or el i forgot :-(

._. (2021-04-28 13:44:57):

hmmmm its nooot very machintosh but sorry :-(

Unknown author (2021-06-11 01:54:16):


Unknown author (2021-06-13 21:20:32):

im on mac this is not the real cursor

Unknown author (2021-07-08 23:42:30):

thats so cool!!!!1!1!11
now i have mac cursors 8-)

I allways liked mac cursors more than windows ones :-D

Unknown author (2021-07-22 01:27:48):


Porpoise (2021-08-10 06:00:46 / 5 stars):

Amazing cursor set!!!

Unknown author (2021-11-17 10:04:31):

now this is what im talkin abt! :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-12-16 04:23:00):

Mac is not even that good windows is much better ;-)

BuffDoge (2022-01-06 15:23:22):

the link is more curved

batuxyd (2022-01-12 21:20:27 / 4.5 stars):

These cursors are great!
But it would be even better if it was a little bigger. :-D

Unknown author (2022-02-06 15:50:04):

how cool!!11!!!!!1
I WouldLOve tu SEEE thE cusrsors in hD res but OKK

Unknown author (2022-02-08 18:31:46):

HOW EPIK1!1!1!1!11 I WOULD LOVE TO SEE "COMMIT 928,232 WAR CRIMES" CURSOR NOWQ1!!11!!1!!!!!!1!! -brainless memer

Moved (2022-03-04 22:57:28 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2022-03-05 16:27:03):

so bad no diff from windows i dont like it

toffew (2022-03-29 04:15:39 / 0.5 stars):

i agree this is really bad and this just looks like windows 10 theres not diff if you already have windows 10 so this is not really good i think these ppl with positive comments are you're backup acc bc this is really sadly bad really really bad

Unknown author (2022-04-17 20:50:42):

i-i-i like t-t-this

Unknown author (2022-09-27 20:29:35):

shut up toffew !

its good :-)

Account not found (2022-10-14 16:02:21 / 5 stars):

I like this cursor set with combination with mac and vista/7 icon-image/24519-16x16x32.png image icon-image/23970-16x16x32.png image

toffew -- no i doesn't!!! icon-image/24200-16x16x32.png image Windows 10 is simple while vista/7 is detailed and nice icon-image/23970-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24563-16x16x32.png image

coolcat765 (2023-01-29 14:57:39):

Very cool! :-)

Patak (2023-04-15 14:08:56 / 4.5 stars):

I think they look pretty nice and nostalgic. if you could just make the 'move' cursor a folded hand, it'll look better, in my opinion

Unknown author (2023-04-28 11:59:53):

its alright i mean

gregheffley (2023-07-11 05:00:19 / 4.5 stars):

epic but i dont see location or person select

hamzasolom20 (2023-08-10 14:31:13):

shut up idiots

Unknown author (2023-08-26 15:07:26):

I don't know if you guys also read the dates but this was made on 2007, 3 years before i was born, windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 weren't released yet, and location & person select were introduced in win10, and oversimplified design was introduced on windows 8, the thing is that now they would already quit RW, so there is no way they will respond in 2023.

BG5DF (2023-08-30 16:44:16 / 5 stars):

I'm the guy above

Nicely done!

Unknown author (2023-09-28 00:33:00):



Unknown author (2023-10-13 10:01:51):

Nice combination of windows aero and Mac

Unknown author (2024-02-17 16:04:17):


Unknown author (2024-02-28 15:42:25):

NICE LOKS LIKE MAC OS 8-) :-o :-D :-)

BloxMan (2024-04-02 21:59:37 / 5 stars):

Anonymus on September 28th 2023, click the got dang download button. By the way.
download* |-) but the cursor is very cool and nostolagic, 5 stars.

Unknown author (2024-10-29 14:20:18):

Macdows 7

btw i'm using these cursors right now

FlynMaker7 (2024-11-11 20:48:32 / 4.5 stars):

I love aero glass, and this

Unknown author (2024-11-16 15:00:06):


Miguel (2024-12-23 03:09:47 / 5 stars):

seriously, this is combination of windows and mac.
5 stars.

EzCursor (2025-02-20 12:24:24 / 5 stars):

Nice! Even use with MacOS Lion theme will even better :-D

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