Unknown author (2021-02-12 22:42:00):
This is some top quality Cursors. I approve, download! yourcomputerhasdied (2021-02-12 23:05:49 / 5 stars):
These are great Dark_Samus (2021-02-13 00:28:15):
Awesome... R0mKa (2021-02-13 05:01:51 / 5 stars):
Very nice and simple, i love it A Unknown author (2021-02-13 07:21:59):
like what these are the best cursors I've seen still now the best cursors keep on going making legendary cursors can you please make like these cursors these are the best Bobcat (2021-02-13 09:37:36 / 5 stars):
I have seen dot cursors, but these are better. They are good for everyone and they barely cover anything. The animations are also really smooth. RIDDLER (2021-02-13 11:45:32 / 5 stars):
Epic. Unknown author (2021-02-13 17:45:09):
can you make like these dot cursors which are green in colour? please because i like green if you make thank you sooo much 'pix (2021-02-15 17:50:46 / 5 stars):
I was literally going to do this! But the creativity is great. Even I didn't think of this. Unknown author (2021-02-15 19:08:22):
ClairvoyantOS (2021-02-18 16:03:26 / 5 stars):
Fun fact: If this wasn't based on a dot, the dot would be set using the lasso setting. Insane Games (2021-02-18 23:05:35 / 4 stars):
Oohh... a dot! Really boring but... good for people who like a simple/basic cursor!! inactive account (2021-02-19 22:36:32 / 5 stars):
That's a very clean and simple set. EdibleInk (2021-03-05 01:46:58):
thank you for all the positive feedback! worldcrusher1021 (2021-07-09 05:45:17 / 5 stars):
the best dot one out there. very clean and good. i love it AKGAMER (2021-08-31 12:17:36 / 5 stars):
This is the a very good set, When I first discovered this site this is the first cursors I downloaded. Unknown author (2022-08-01 18:04:22):
maravilhoso. Unknown author (2023-02-28 04:19:47):