mrmcgoo (2010-12-24 15:50:19):
This is really cool, but make sure if you didn't make the sprites to give credit to the original author. Applefan (2010-12-28 03:58:50):
Ok, no problem lenon (2011-01-27 13:06:30):
is best cursor Unknown author (2011-03-20 00:12:23):
Great Job! Applefan (2011-03-20 21:53:15):
Thanks! Unknown author (2011-05-06 03:12:50):
LET'S A GO! Unknown author (2011-06-11 10:34:59):
Unknown author (2011-09-20 02:31:23):
This is creativity at it's best folks! Applefan (2011-11-15 20:04:57):
you like mario, dont you? hahaha Unknown author (2011-12-03 05:09:33):
weena me da paja hablar en ingles por que no lo uso hace meses y no he tomado te para recordarlo supongo que cachas altiro quien soy xdd SoaringEagle789 (2012-03-27 17:55:22 / 5 stars):
this is pretty good! Nintendo (2012-04-07 23:40:29 / 5 stars):
dude awsome im all about classics Unknown author (2012-04-21 02:33:29):
Awesome Cursors!But Give Credit To Gorsal He Made That Sprites MaxiGamerâ„¢ (2012-11-24 16:57:20 / 5 stars):
Your cursors are awsome! I really love Super Mario, especially Super Mario Bros. and NSMB. 5 stars! ctarmansy (2013-02-19 07:57:59 / 5 stars):
Is the horizontal resize mario... doing ballet? HNMunchey (2013-03-05 23:12:44 / 5 stars):
Nice! Looks like Mario rised from the ol' game world again! Unknown author (2013-09-19 08:38:12):
These sprites will be used (taken from The Spriter's Resource) in my episode New Old Super Mario Bros. X Unknown author (2014-06-08 17:23:49):
have Mario fighting GLaDOS in GLaDOS-related desktop/screenshot/art. Unknown author (2014-09-08 14:24:00):
game over... Unknown author (2014-11-26 05:14:59):
game over right back at ya'. Unknown author (2015-03-27 01:55:22):
how can install?? Unknown author (2015-03-30 15:34:16):
Press the "Download" button. I mean, click. nibbler (2015-10-27 19:17:27 / 5 stars):
SUPER MARIO BROS 1! nibbler (2015-12-10 18:39:12):
@ ctarmansy NecxGen (2015-12-14 17:27:36 / 5 stars):
Just brilliant. Animations are smooth, Each cursor is super creative, and I never thought someone was gonna make a Mario cursor set that was this brilliant. nibbler (2016-03-07 19:50:12):
Where is the handwriting? Unknown author (2016-06-27 15:28:23):
This is great, too bad it's missing a handwriting cursor. Unknown author (2017-08-02 12:14:58):
YAHOO ITS A ME MARIO! LoL Unknown author (2020-01-08 23:08:12):
game over yeaaaaaaaaah Like195 (2021-05-25 00:56:24 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2021-10-09 14:48:32):
feels good man... BEST MARIO CURSOR EVERRRR Unknown author (2022-05-15 12:52:24):
i like it Unknown author (2022-06-18 11:55:28):
it is super cool!!! Unknown author (2022-06-24 13:47:07):
good Unknown author (2022-11-24 15:21:23):
looks very funny Unknown author (2023-01-27 16:40:53):
This is great, exactly what i was looking for. Unknown author (2023-02-21 20:43:44):
mydtivat be ilkie\ Unknown author (2023-03-19 21:23:48):
i luv this itts purfict Unknown author (2023-03-22 12:51:27):
how do you put this on mac Unknown author (2023-03-23 21:59:21):
you cant on mac, Anonymous. i liek this curosr. even a youtuber uses it! Unknown author (2023-04-15 16:19:11):
great website Unknown author (2023-05-01 20:45:50):
Unknown author (2023-05-10 11:48:04):
I love deez cursor perpect Unknown author (2023-05-29 14:34:00):
anon is satisfied Unknown author (2023-08-29 15:03:28):
who else is here because of mysticat? Unknown author (2023-09-28 05:55:23):
mysticat yea Unknown author (2023-12-15 16:24:23):
mistyerrr Unknown author (2024-04-08 01:25:14):
minstery car!! Unknown author (2024-05-05 05:50:22):
great mario cursor pack you made, rlly brighten up my day with nostalgia Unknown author (2024-05-27 09:20:59):
Mysticaaattttttttttttt Unknown author (2024-08-12 04:39:46):
slay its really skibidi Unknown author (2024-08-30 23:38:41):
Unknown author (2024-09-06 02:09:18):
mayro Unknown author (2024-10-01 02:42:12):
mysticat is lu Unknown author (2024-10-05 22:41:05):
mistery cat!!! Unknown author (2024-11-22 15:56:43):
best cursor ever and it's in mysticat's videos sooooooooooo Miguel (2024-12-29 03:47:42 / 5 stars):
this is surely in my new old mario bros dreams, thank you so much for making this, its incredible, can you make donkey kong mario cursor next? nibbler (2024-12-29 11:54:42):
Did you know that this cursor set is Mysticat's favorite? He still uses it to this day. Unknown author (2025-02-03 13:18:28):
Unknown author (2025-02-03 19:11:16):
sjfsigfsigfisg yay Unknown author (2025-02-12 16:58:21):
Does anyone know how to remove the animation from the cursor? Unknown author (2025-03-04 19:57:54):
skibideie tialoet |