RIDDLER (2023-05-13 16:24:44):
Read the gidelines for tags here: http://www.rw-designer.com/tag-guidelines
Helldude (2023-05-13 17:33:06 / 5 stars):
Cool and Thanks dude for giving me business specially giving credits. ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN (2023-05-14 05:09:15 / 5 stars):
Ur profile would look 100 times better if u addad those xD RIDDLER (2023-05-14 16:21:05):
Thank you so much for both of you on rating this icon set. Please can you also rate those three cursor sets, including the "Binary Enchanced" cursor sets on the links below as well: 1. http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/binary-enchanced-llx-genesis 2. http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/opera-gx 3. http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/the-gospel-of-salvation Thank you. I have fixed the grammar typo mistake I made, "cursor" to "icon". Thanks for correcting me on that typo error. What The V? (2023-05-22 13:02:08 / 5 stars):
mask RIDDLER (2023-05-22 21:49:27):
Thanks for 5/5. The Male Boss (2023-07-02 21:11:06 / 4 stars):
I like the set it’s look good and you’ve included 3 designs. RIDDLER (2023-07-03 19:04:17):
There are 3 icons only. Sorry for the inconvenience on that. Green is the only color that this icon set will ever have. BG5DF (2023-08-30 16:42:32):
I don't see the difference RIDDLER (2023-08-31 00:26:07):
I do see the difference. See the background difference. Unknown author (2024-07-11 15:12:32):
Now Bro's being obsessed with himself like if He's some Superhero or Albert Einstein
RIDDLER (2024-07-11 15:53:38):
The Riddler is the very best character I have ever known. He is green and he thinks green. Riddle me this, riddle me that. Unknown author (2024-07-14 16:46:36):
Bro pretends to be in a Cartoon for 7yr Olds You have no Personality whatsoever > Bacon RIDDLER (2024-07-14 20:58:36):
How do you know I have no personality? I like the Riddler character because of its green theme. Unknown author (2024-07-14 21:27:32):
I know It because You talk like a NPC - instead of don't , You use do not , which is mostly used by Bots . You don't talk like a Human , I'm not gonna believe You're not a Bot . ALR , I'm feeling nice RN , I'd show You what Cursor Set I use so You can start creating better Cursors I use this Cursor Set : http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/roblox-2021-pack Try making Cursors that could be used as a Default Cursor Set - don't give them too much Personality , nor too little . You need to find that perfect Value . Please use Slang a lil Bit , You sound a little Bit too NPC , IDK if I'm talking to a Human but there You go :/
What Cursor Set do You use tho ? :| RIDDLER (2024-07-15 15:50:06):
Well, I can use don't if I want to. XxHeyItzBaconPlayzxX (2024-07-15 21:48:05):
ALR , If You want them to suck , You can make them suck . I tried to help but ALR RIDDLER (2024-07-16 17:56:40):
For me, those icons do not suck. If they do for you, then that is your decision. XxHeyItzBaconPlayzxX (2024-07-21 10:31:47):
Like I said , I offered Help , You declined . I was expecting more of You RIDDLER (2024-07-22 20:17:36):
What help do you need? Please view my latest cursor set, "Emerald". You will like it. |