Colorize icons in batch

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Colorize icons in batch

This batch operation for RealWorld Icon Editor demonstrates how to apply effects on images of multiple icons in one step.

How to use it

The sample operation changes color of icons to blue. To use this operation, switch to the batch page in RealWorld Icon Editor, select custom operation #1 or #2 and click on the 'Load' button. Then import this file: colorize-icon.rwbatchop (you'll need to download it).

After you have imported the batch operation, simply drag and drop .ico files on the editor window and processed icons will appear in the lower part of the window.

rsrc/colorize-icon-demo.png image

Learn more about batch mode.

Customizing the batch operation

RealWorld Icon Editor allows you to apply any effect to the icons. Click the 'Configure' button on the Batch page and the following image appears.

rsrc/configure-batch-icon-colorize.png image

This is the configuration of the batch operation. As you can see, it consists of two steps. In the first step, the effect is applied and in the second step, the icon is saved to the default output folder.

The first step is of course the most interesting one. Let's review what is happening there:

  1. The 'Document - Extract document part' is selected here (An icon is a structured format and this operation allows us to access its individual parts - in this case the images.)
  2. 'All available parts' is selected here. This means that the internal operation will be applied to all images of the icon.
  3. Surprisingly, another 'Document - Extract document part' operation is used here. This is because RealWorld Icon Editor supports layers. This operation gives us access to individual layers.
  4. 'All available parts' in this box means that the effect will be applied to every layer.
  5. Here, we can finally choose the effect to apply. Raster Image - Colorize is used and blue color is selected below. You can of course select a different operation.

The operation configuration looks complex at first sight, but it is trivial after learning the basic principles. What this operation does is applying the colorize filter on every layer in every image of the processed icon and the operation reflects this.

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on August 12th 2022

This is awesome I love the app so easy to use and the explanatione very easy to follow
thank you

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons