LLX-AERO-DEEP-BLUE Location Select.cur

- Published on November 6th 2024 by greatcoder456.
- Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
- Designated to be used as a Location Select cursor by right-handed people.
- Static (non-animated) cursor.
I have made the Location Select Cursor for the Deep Blue set by RIDDLER.
This is the original link: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/llx-aero-deep-blue
I am uploading this because I have made the location and person select cursors for this as well. Feel free to use them accordingly. Thanks to RIDDLE for supplying the original cursors!
Here is the original description:
The "LLX Aero_Deep_Blue" is a beautiful deep blue set of 15 cursors with a light blue cyan border glow. Those two blends of blue fit very well together and they spice up the look of the cursors.
- What is a mouse cursor?
- How to download and use a mouse cursor?
- Draw your own cursor online.
- Learn how to create animated cursors in a video tutorial.