Undertale Blue Soul Link Select.ani

- Published on November 24th 2015 by Veraxiel.
- Released under the Attribution Required (CC by) license.
- Designated to be used as a Link Select cursor by right- or left-handed people.
- Animated cursor with 2 frame(s).
A small blue heart from the game Undertale. Jumps up and down.
Heart design is the one from the Undertale logo. Blue mode is from the Papyrus and Sans fights. The hotspot is in the center of the cursor.
- What is a mouse cursor?
- How to download and use a mouse cursor?
- Draw your own cursor online.
- Learn how to create animated cursors in a video tutorial.
HTML cursor code
To use the cursor on your web or a MySpace profile, add the following code to your page:
<style type="text/css">
body {cursor: url(http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-extern.php?id=80925);}
<a href="http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/undertale"
title="Get free cursors for your web.">Undertale Cursors</a>