Butterfly cursor.ani

- Published on May 25th 2016 by Anonymous.
- Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
- Designated to be used as a Normal Select cursor by right- or left-handed people.
- Animated cursor with 4 frame(s).
Flutter : Butterfly Sanctuary
- 30 Paradise Phantom
This rare and beautiful species is one of the most elusive of the rainforest's creatures, flying low in the shadow of dusk, they rarely emerge from their homes dense in the undergrowth.
- What is a mouse cursor?
- How to download and use a mouse cursor?
- Draw your own cursor online.
- Learn how to create animated cursors in a video tutorial.
HTML cursor code
To use the cursor on your web or a MySpace profile, add the following code to your page:
<style type="text/css">
body {cursor: url(http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-extern.php?id=89732);}
<a href="http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-detail/89732"
title="Get free cursors for your web.">Butterfly cursor.ani Cursor</a>