Normal_1 Cursor Details

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normal_1.cur HD version
  • Published on January 6th 2017 by Censor_Not.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
  • Designated to be used as a Normal Select cursor by right-handed people.
  • Static (non-animated) cursor.

STUBBY! The Nearly Cartoonish Bullet
Bored with gun-cursors? Try some AMMO! Let us re-examine the value
of this often underrated hardware. The "normal" select (nicknamed
"Stubby") is a short wide stout round, big & brightly colored for
people who have less-than-perfect vision (me). Resizing is covered
by armor piercing rounds, while alternate select brings a shotgun
shell. 32 & 48 px included with normal, link, alt, & resizers. These
bullets were chosen for their exceptional shinyness.


HTML cursor code

To use the cursor on your web or a MySpace profile, add the following code to your page:

<style type="text/css">
body {cursor: url(;}
<a href=""
title="Get free cursors for your web.">Stubby The Cartoonish Bullet Cursors</a>

Member of

Stubby The Cartoonish Bullet TeaserStubby The Cartoonish Bullet Cursors
1618STUBBY! The Cartoonish Bullet Bored with gun-cursors? Try some AMMO! ...

See also