Cursor Set - Bejeweled Red Swords

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Bejeweled Red Swords Cursors

Bejeweled Red Swords
  • Published on August 24th 2013 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3.9 out of 5 stars. (7 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

These bejewelled red swords are here to help you on your quest to click, type, and open links!

Tags: ■ Red Weapon Simple Sword


by Billy1905

See also

Mai Shiranui TeaserMai Shiranui Cursors
by Kronos1563 animated Mai Shiranui cursors!
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by veveo007382hello, enjoy use my cursor design ^^
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by nibbler194My own cursor set I use every day.
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by adrenochromedream1384heart themed cursors
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by veveo0071625click, download, use, review, enjoy ^^

Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on September 14th 2013

8-) :-o

user icon NormalRarity registered user on September 17th 2013

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Looks really nice. Just as the others have said, animations would be nice so wehn you get to that you should add them to the set! :-D Nice job!

user icon bubbles47 registered user on September 19th 2013

love these, the color is great! and the swords have hearts on! :-D

user icon Ludwig registered user on November 4th 2013

4 out of 5 stars.

very nice! I really like this color. There could be aome animations.

user icon Wolf Soulblood registered user on May 19th 2014

3.5 out of 5 stars.

So plain and animations :-( but its good.

user icon Farhan registered user on November 9th 2014

:-D Cooollll

user icon J registered user on August 5th 2015

5 out of 5 stars.

Don't Worry about bad rating coz what only matters is your download count.
and you've got a pretty decent 1500 downloads.
Keep it up.
Nice set with a really cool sword.
Oh I've made a set with a sword too.


Please tell me if you like them. :-) :-D


user icon Anonymous on September 26th 2015

Make set in many colors!! Please?? :-D :-D :-D

user icon Anonymous on August 16th 2018

thankz Xd ;-)

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on April 3rd 2019

4.5 out of 5 stars.

i like the fact that the note when u place ur cursor there 4 a little bit it show's a creative hint on what the cursor roles r! gr8 job! ;-) :-D :-) 8-)

user icon Anonymous