Cursor Set - Binary Enchanced - Cyan & Light Orange Shadow

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Binary Enchanced - Cyan & Light Orange Shadow Cursors

Binary Enchanced - Cyan & Light Orange Shadow
  • Published on July 1st 2021 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

There is another variant of the Binary Enchanced - Cyan & Light Orange Shadow cursor set. This cursor set features a light theme orange with cyan borders as the color scheme. This theme is amazing because it brings along with it a new theme appearance that looks kind of cyan blue with orange fill. This cursor set contains 20 cursor roles. Most of the cursors in this set are static, whilst some of the busy action cursors are animated.

This is a cursor set made for Windows 10, so users are required to use the latest build of Windows 10 to use the Location Select and the Person Select cursor roles. Windows 10 is stable so use that version of Windows for using this cursor set. Windows 11 is in active development so I would not recommend using Windows 11, unless you opt in to be a Windows Insider tester, which means that you can test this cursor set in Windows 11 if you wish. For best performance and use of this cursor set, use the latest public build of Windows 10.

This cursor set was uploaded on the website yesterday, so make the most of this new color theme and enjoy it. This cursor set was made by i486 by remixing the colors to bring a new theme.

Tags: Windows 10 ■ Orange



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 1st 2021

The light version of the Binary Enchanced - Cyan & Light Orange Shadow cursor set is now available. You will like this version as much as the dark version.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 1st 2021

This is better.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 1st 2021

Both versions are just as good in my opinion.

user icon Nightfury registered user on July 6th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

better than be :-D :-) ;-) |-) 8-) :-D :-) ;-) :-( :-o

oops!! typing mistake

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 6th 2021

The link is invalid.


user icon Anonymous