Items with ■ Orange tag

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Tag: ■ Orange

Orange like an orange. You know, that round fruit.

Flames TeaserFlames Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart17kI found the flame on Google Image Search. (Search: flames filetype:gi...
Copper Numerals TeaserCopper Numerals Icons
by Doc920Copper is the color, third in value to silver and gold. Now there are...
Phlame Arrow --> TeaserPhlame Arrow --> Cursors
by CramLock13k30,000 years in the future. A new type of fire is found. It is called...
Discrete TeaserDiscrete Cursors
by Vlasta6052A complete set of cursors for Windows created in RealWorld Cursor Edi...
Orange Darts TeaserOrange Darts Cursors
by Mckeegan1852A orange cursor in the shape of arrows/darts, that are slightly trans...
Animated Flame Cursors By KT6 TeaserAnimated Flame Cursors By KT6 Cursors
by Teddy1074an animated flame cursor, i hope you like it. it was produced after a...
3d Golden Arrow Point Teaser3d Golden Arrow Point Cursors
by winger2280Several 3d golden arrow points created while searching for the perfec...
Holoball TeaserHoloball Cursors
by sixλxis1449A fruity coloured ball with a neat animation. I got inspiration from ...
Burning Glass TeaserBurning Glass Cursors
by winger8108Red hot glass cursors.
Fire TeaserFire Cursors
by cursorprehistoric557
Blue Letters TeaserBlue Letters Icons
by Erik2523You can use them in forums or comments to write a text.
Red Glow TeaserRed Glow Cursors
by Davez1028The Red Glow Cursor Set! (also in green)
Glowing hot TeaserGlowing hot Cursors
by JMBXD1363My first set of cursors i hope u all enjoy
Temple path TeaserTemple path Cursors
by bouderbabari2706
Metallic Text TeaserMetallic Text Icons
by Erik1807Thats my new icon set, it is finished for a while, but more icons are...
Orange Juice TeaserOrange Juice Cursors
by Panovola855Orange juice cursors made by me! My first set!
Ducky TeaserDucky Cursors
by Lisa478This is a little duck that ACTUALLY MOVES CONSTANTLY. It's able to do...
ComixCursors Orange Regular - Slim TeaserComixCursors Orange Regular - Slim Cursors
Golden TeaserGolden Cursors
by jojois741082A 3-D golden cursor set.
Gold Spin TeaserGold Spin Cursors
by JDDellGuy3528A gold version of my Purple Spin Cursors. Don't forgot to rate and co...
Orange TeaserOrange Cursors
by WebUploader1977A simple set of cool orange cursors.
Golden Framed TeaserGolden Framed Cursors
by koby_elian2000709This cursor set has a gold outline, and a transparent light peach col...
Orange Glow TeaserOrange Glow Cursors
by Daniel W.6202This is really just another variation of a previous set I did a littl...
Construction TeaserConstruction Cursors
by Daniel W.358Some construction/roadwork style cursors Get a matching wallpaper her...
Orange Fuzzy TeaserOrange Fuzzy Cursors
by Lizzzard01839A fuzzy orange cursor set Enjoy!
Inferno TeaserInferno Cursors
by Vojife3601Well, there's no fire or anything, but I had to give it a name haven'...
Fire Flower TeaserFire Flower Cursors
by Virum641559rsrc/madeinfrance.png A fire flower from Super Mario Bros 3 (SNES). T...
Donkey Kong (recolored) TeaserDonkey Kong (recolored) Cursors
by Virum646135rsrc/madeinfrance.png A cursor set I made using sprites from "Donkey ...
Internet Explorer Letters TeaserInternet Explorer Letters Icons
by Virum641726rsrc/madeinfrance.png Letters, figures and some other icons with a Wi...
Mutant Mudds TeaserMutant Mudds Cursors
by Virum64820rsrc/madeinfrance.png Mutant Mudds is a Nintendo 3DS game available i...
Mario 8-Bit - Left-handed TeaserMario 8-Bit - Left-handed Cursors
by MaxiGamer™1186My Mario 8-Bit Cursors in a new "left-handed" version. It will be upd...
Ren Höek TeaserRen Höek Cursors
by Fry1223rsrc/thanks.png rsrc/font01.pngherersrc/font03.png A slapped together...
Golden Arrow TeaserGolden Arrow Cursors
by Wisewiz1712I made a set of these for my own use, and then decided to offer them ...
Gearbox TeaserGearbox Cursors
by pointypointer164I got the idea for this from another set... I'll give credit to that ...
Fire TeaserFire Cursors
by Bubbles_The_Gr816kIt's just something I created to figure out how to use RealWorld Curs...
The New Zealand Story (Arcade) TeaserThe New Zealand Story (Arcade) Cursors
by Virum644046This cursor set features Tiki, the main character of the arcade game ...
golden bevel Teasergolden bevel Cursors
by deadly bro2701this is my first attempt at the bevel so please tell me what you thin...
5 Year Teaser5 Year Cursors
by Daniel W.415My first cursor set was five years ago today!
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...