Cursor Set - Ren Höek

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Ren Höek Cursors

Ren Höek
  • Published on November 24th 2012 by Fry.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.6 out of 5 stars. (8 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

rsrc/thanks.png image

rsrc/font01.png imageherersrc/font03.png image

A slapped together cursor set of everyone's favorite Nicktoon chihuahua, Ren Höek. cursor-46691

Tags: Animal Character Comic TV series ■ Orange


by Fry

See also

Queen of Hearts TeaserQueen of Hearts Cursors
by adrenochromedream1384heart themed cursors
This Is Madness TeaserThis Is Madness Cursors
by adrenochromedream2801a righteously mad mix of cursors
Fall Hard TeaserFall Hard Cursors
by adrenochromedream907all things Fall (season & tones)
Creature Comforts TeaserCreature Comforts Cursors
by adrenochromedream1368a primal mix of creature cursors
Life's A Beach TeaserLife's A Beach Cursors
by adrenochromedream2807Sand, Sun & Sea related cursors
Imagine That TeaserImagine That Cursors
by adrenochromedream847cursors that stretch the limits of imagination

Recent reviews and comments

user icon ElectricumViridis registered user on November 29th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

i love these! i've been checking this website for two years and this is the first set i downloaded :-)

user icon jojois74 registered user on December 14th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

VERY good. I don't know who this character is but this set really shows how you can take one theme and change it enough so that while keeping the same idea, you an get enough variety. nice job.

user icon cdl contributing user on December 25th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

lol.. cute!

jojois74, from Ren & Stimpy

user icon AmberZen registered user on January 5th 2013

4 out of 5 stars.

Where is Stimpy!
Can't have Ren without Stimpy!
Stimpy, here boy! Comon Stimpy!

user icon ctarmansy registered user on February 19th 2013

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Awesome, but amberzen has a point. we do need some stimpy in there. maybe a busy cursor with stimpy drooling?

user icon Mahlzeit registered user on June 15th 2015

4 out of 5 stars.

Nice job but as ctarmansy said we need stimpy 8-)

user icon ツ☪ spunch_bop♡♥ registered user on November 12th 2022

4.5 out of 5 stars.

i got downloaded a new font

user icon astro.mp3 registered user on February 23rd 2023

5 out of 5 stars.


user icon CoolCreeps registered user on April 19th 2023





user icon Anonymous