Items with Comic tag

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Tag: Comic

A comic is a sequence of cartoons that tells a story.

Dilbert And Gang TeaserDilbert And Gang Cursors
by Daniel W.1222Dilbert cursors for everybody!
Edited Dragonball Z Characters TeaserEdited Dragonball Z Characters Cursors
by aza21111389edited dragonball z characters
Sonic X TeaserSonic X Cursors
by bouderbabari11kExellent
Invader Zim TeaserInvader Zim Cursors
by J. Wag.2046A set of simple mouse cursors of Gir from Invader Zim. I will be addi...
Piggie O.o TeaserPiggie O.o Icons
by cdl494Blue, aqua, green, yellow, orange, pink, and purple cartoon pig facin...
Whimsical Dragon TeaserWhimsical Dragon Icons
by cdl1232Whimsical Sitting Dragon in four color patterns facing right and left...
Spongebob Squarepants TeaserSpongebob Squarepants Cursors
by Virum6415krsrc/madeinfrance.png Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongeb...
Superman TeaserSuperman Cursors
by Mosher751my first cursors and i made them as superman
Captain America mini (inicomplete) TeaserCaptain America mini (inicomplete) Cursors
by Zeeshaan1876This is a captain america curosor mini set basically designed on a re...
Ren Höek TeaserRen Höek Cursors
by Fry1223rsrc/thanks.png rsrc/font01.pngherersrc/font03.png A slapped together...
BandCochon TeaserBandCochon Icons
by cdl836This set of Band Cochon icons remains the property of BandCochon, htt...
Smiley TeaserSmiley Icons
by cdl1484There are still 70 more Smileys to see in the icon set Smiley 2! See ...
Cupid TeaserCupid Icons
by cdl1816♥ Cute cupids, bows and arrows, and hearts make this icon set ready...
Homestuck Trolls TeaserHomestuck Trolls Icons
by absterninja1089Sorry for the lack of sets, but I have been very busy with lots of th...
Fairy Tale Collection TeaserFairy Tale Collection Cursors
by Your Friend1278Collection contains Fairy Mother, Witch, Potion Pot, Candle, Spider W...
Fairy Tale Upgrades TeaserFairy Tale Upgrades Cursors
by Your Friend4237Fairy Tale Collection's Updates...
Battle Ogre TeaserBattle Ogre Icons
by cdl368Check out the other 40 Battle Ogres here:
Battle Ogre 2 TeaserBattle Ogre 2 Icons
by cdl416Check out the other 40 Battle Ogres here:
Iron Man TeaserIron Man Cursors
by Sirea14kThis is my 100th set. :) Third part of Iron Man movies coming soon, s...
Thor TeaserThor Cursors
by Sirea11kNext of my complete cursor sets inspired by character from Avengers m...
Captain America TeaserCaptain America Cursors
by Sirea9336Next of my complete cursor sets inspired by Captain America from Aven...
Attack of the mini stickman TeaserAttack of the mini stickman Cursors
by nsqui56314A set of cursors under attack from a mini stick man. Created in RW Cu...
pokemon animated sprite Teaserpokemon animated sprite Cursors
by kmy1208327kSorry for no updates on the cursors. I am currently in college and ha...
Skype emoticons TeaserSkype emoticons Icons
by Ludwig2424Here are some *HD ICONS * that look like the emoticons in skype. I ca...
Skype emoticons 2 TeaserSkype emoticons 2 Icons
by Ludwig2521Here is the 2nd part of my skype emoticons! I'm waiting for your down...
Hearts Plus 2 TeaserHearts Plus 2 Icons
by cdl676Various styles of hearts. Happy Valentine's Day 2014!
Smurfs TeaserSmurfs Cursors
by Firestar385some smurfy blue pointers
Leandro TeaserLeandro Cursors
by rafael147lol
Scott Pilgrim TeaserScott Pilgrim Cursors
by Maddiethehedgie692Cursors for the Scott Pilgrim series. Can all be used for any role, t...
Green Arrow TeaserGreen Arrow Cursors
by Sirea4197Modified version of my Red Arrow cursor set with two different animat...
Cartoon Trash TeaserCartoon Trash Icons
by cdl608Cartoon trash objects with a set of recycling bins.
many Superheroes Teasermany Superheroes Cursors
by Ninjaski11z4530Just a collection of Superhero cursors i made. I'm adding 1(or more) ...
Requested | SpongeBob Krabby Patty Pixel Art TeaserRequested | SpongeBob Krabby Patty Pixel Art Cursors
by BB21996This is was requested by someone anonymous. I am a fan of Spongebob S...
Super Heros TeaserSuper Heros Cursors
by Wilz2574722this set contains super heros and villans
Teen Titans TeaserTeen Titans Cursors
by Wilz2571168
Minions TeaserMinions Cursors
by Mahlzeit4006This is a despicable me cursor set. Enjoy! Please leave comments and ...
Kawaii Potato TeaserKawaii Potato Cursors
by OwlCityLover!!!3519Kawaii Potato Cursors that are just adorable!!! Hope you like them! :D
Pusheen TeaserPusheen Cursors
by Mahlzeit2732This is a set that was requested. I did it in 20 mins while eating a ...
Spiderman TeaserSpiderman Cursors
by J12kTOTM Entry This is my first TOTM entryas well as first superhero curs...
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?