Icon Set - Cupid

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Cupid Icons

  • Published on February 8th 2013 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.6 out of 5 stars. (7 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

♥ Cute cupids, bows and arrows, and hearts make this icon set ready, willing and able to celebrate Valentine's Day! ♥

icon-image/8515-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/8541-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/8526-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/8535-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/8524-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/8544-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/8519-48x48x32.png image

Tags: Emotion Character Comic Heart □ Multicolored Girly


by cdl

See also

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by cdl676Various styles of hearts. Happy Valentine's Day 2014!
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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon AmberZen registered user on February 15th 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

these are so cute! be using them for years to come!

next year you can have some with different colored diapers and wings! lol
icon-image/8529-48x48x32.png image

user icon Intellisthetics registered user on February 15th 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

how many little cupids are there?
hahaha how many do you need?
very cute design!
icon-image/136-32x32x32.png image

user icon deadly bro registered user on February 27th 2013

2.5 out of 5 stars.

great if you want to use them for valentine's day (no doubt) and i can say they are a LOT i mean with a lot too much and you can make more colored bows and my rating is

user icon MariaPiu registered user on March 3rd 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

So cute! ^^ And I love that you made angels of all hair and skin colors! Love and let love! Not only on Valentines Day or Christmas Eve, but everyday! icon-8534 icon-8522 icon-8529

user icon cdl contributing user on March 4th 2013

glad you like the set, yup tried to get as many colors as possible without over doing it too much.. we are all different colors why shouldn't they be too?

Thanks for rating and commenting!

icon-image/8300-32x32x32.png image

I should stop thanking people who only post negativity... like the one before you...icon-image/8355-24x24x32.png image
I tend to be generous with noobs but they do not realize that I can change my ratings!

user icon MariaPiu registered user on April 21st 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

Yeah, why thank for something you didn't like? Hey, you don't like asians? Where are the japanese angels? Ok, kidding! icon-image/8413-32x32x32.png image Ohhhh, now I know how you got one-eyed! icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image Why don't you tell me those things, Candy? Here's an eye for u so u can replace the damged one. icon-8652Is your eye blue or green? icon-8658 Better safe than sorry!

user icon szymciu registered user on June 10th 2013

Shot through the heart and Cupid's to blame!

Use these icons to celebrate your love on Valentine's Day!

user icon PogChamp69 registered user on December 13th 2014

5 out of 5 stars.

It's the BEST!

user icon adrenochromedream registered user on February 23rd 2018

5 out of 5 stars.

so cute

user icon tauruzsun registered user on July 17th 2023

5 out of 5 stars.

these are so cutee icon-image/24265-16x16x32.png image

icon-image/24265-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous