Cursor Set - Bio Green Hazard

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Bio Green Hazard Cursors

Bio Green Hazard
  • Published on July 3rd 2012 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.7 out of 5 stars. (8 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

This set is inspired by my new tattoo- Its a black light glowing green bio hazard sign that is outlined with a colorless black light glowing ink. The set has one pointer that is a spinning bio-hazard sign and the rest of the pointers are made from pieces of it with some parts that are animated added.

Tags: Symbol Sci-fi Fantasy ■ Green


by ZeloZelos

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on November 14th 2015

very nice

user icon Anonymous on May 6th 2017

could you make this in different colours?

user icon Anonymous on November 29th 2017


user icon Anonymous on March 20th 2019

Cool I think it looks like crap LOL JK :-D

user icon KittyKata12 registered user on April 6th 2019

3.5 out of 5 stars.

Nice cursors! Can you make a full set plz? icon-7500

user icon Anonymous on February 14th 2021

very nice n cool ;-)

user icon Anonymous on April 12th 2021

moj kar dee

user icon ZeloZelos registered user on June 15th 2021

Thank you all for the comments. I have more ideas than time. Sometimes I like to see if I should spend the time by seeing if anyone is interested. JSYK you can always dl a cursor and modify it and upload it as a finished set. I would be flattered if any of my stuff inspired someone and they improve or put their own flair on it. Please just tag the set in a comment to me so I can see what you did. I do plan on finishing this set. This one originally was a complete set for an old version of gnome or dsl.

user icon ZeloZelos registered user on June 18th 2021

I'm drawing a big fat blank for the handwriting one. I have no ideas at all for it. The rest of the set is done now. I knew a long time ago how I wanted the busy, working and link select pointers, but the hazard...umm idk man..i just dont know :-) Besides, how often have I ever seen/used the handwriting pointer? only one time ever and that was a very long time ago.

user icon Anonymous on April 4th 2023

Thanks :-)

user icon Anonymous