Cursor Set - Blobby

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Blobby Cursors

  • Published on April 4th 2012 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.3 out of 5 stars. (5 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Blobby,mi segundo pack de cursores!


by CARNAGE_1066

See also

Stealth TeaserStealth Cursors
by Daniel W.7806Stealthy Black cursors I have added a matching wallpaper for this set...
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by CARNAGE_1066955Yeah this is my red koopa troopa cursors,note its not done. UPDATE,DO...
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by Virum6422krsrc/madeinfrance.png A few memes faces I have drawn by hand. I could...
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by CARNAGE_1066439My super mario world cursors,one of the best.
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by TheRedSapphire1635An entire set of MLP: FiM Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon cursors. Only ...

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Matias0211 registered user on April 4th 2012

4 out of 5 stars.

Jajajajaja muy buenos!! me gustan esos dibujos!! mejorá los hotspot que están mal, en el link,y en los ajustes. Voy a remarcarte solo 2 cosas, 1 que quizá si, sea así como querés los dibujos, pero tratá de hacer las flechas de los ajustes un poco más pequeños. Y el handwriting tambien, intentá mejorarlo. Pero en si, muy simpáticos!! me gustan! :-)

user icon CARNAGE_1066 registered user on April 4th 2012

Gracias! si es que a veces se me olvida mucho el hotspot pero eso ya lo mejorare. :-D

user icon Nintendo registered user on April 5th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

awsome you have nice artistic vision with custom gradient good job

user icon CARNAGE_1066 registered user on April 6th 2012

Thanks! Thank you all for the 16 downloads! im fixing the hotspots! :-D



user icon NEOC registered user on April 6th 2012

4 out of 5 stars.

Es bastante creativo, pero por favor, inventa algo para la escritura manual (que no basta con modificar un cursor de Windows :-( ) (Subiré el puntaje a 5 cuando vea que lo hagas)

user icon CARNAGE_1066 registered user on April 8th 2012

Changed name to Carnage_1066

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on April 9th 2012

4 out of 5 stars.

Pretty nice! There are a few cursors that look like they could use a little "tune-up." The "Diagonal 1 Blob" cursor for example. The point on the left side is a little crooked in appearance, as if it was drawn freehand instead of using the line tool. Using the line tool will give it a neat straight appearance. If you ever purposely mean to draw a curved line, I recommend using the curvy line tool so that results can be kept uniform.

The color scheme and the theme are consistent however, and the character in the animations is not distracting and does not take up too much space. It is a fun character too. Nice work! icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

I would also recommend tagging the cursrs for what role they are. This makes the automatic cursor change tool work for people who have installed that on their computers.

And a final comment- the pointer arrows seem a a little too thick with their black borders. Maybe you can make the borders on them a little slimmer.

user icon cloelius registered user on April 19th 2020

4.5 out of 5 stars.

I think it's a cute idea!
It reminds me of test subject by nitrome.
Nearly complete, too!

user icon Anonymous