You’ve created a well designed blue set which contains all 17 cursor roles.
With cursors hotspots on the precision select cursor you dot usually have an arrow and you just have a cross in the centre of the cross is where you put you’re cursor hotspot you also do the same for the move select cursor.
With the text select cursor the cursor hotspot generally sits in the middle of the Letter I.
For the Unavailable cursor the cursor hotspot generally sits in the middle of the unavailable sign.
For the Diagonal Resizes Cursors, Horizontal Resize and Vertical Resize ideally you want an arrow at each end of the cursor and the cursor hotspot sits in the middle of the cursor.
For the Alternate select cursor your hotspot generally goes at the top of the cursor pointer.
Other than cursor hotspots this set is perfect you’re animations are nice and smooth and the shades blue go well together.
Blue Cursors

- Published on July 9th 2023 by ViniciusGamer-blox.
- Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
Well I love blue but if you do...
....Here is a complete list of cursors for those who love blue!
- Learn how to download and customize your mouse pointer.
- Have a web page or a blog? Learn how to add custom cursors to your web pages.
- Make your own cursors with our freeware cursor maker.
- Your favorite cursor is missing? Make a suggestion.