awasome bro
I made these for my own use, because my other ones weren't smooth enough and none of my old sets matched my color scheme. Anyway, It's a set of dark gray, slightly beveled tailless arrows with a digital display sort of thing in the middle. The whole thing is animated because that's how I roll.
Tags: Computer Sci-fi ■ Blue ■ Black
awasome bro
I don't like it ;-)
u copy
wow released 2015 :v
This is so cool thank you!!
nned one in purple:PP
4.5 out of 5 stars.
These look really nice, but I have a few critiques. The diagonal resize cursors don't really match the horizontal/vertical resize. And the unavailable cursor blinks a bit too fast in my opinion. That said, I think the busy cursor is really well done.
Great job! i really liked the texture
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