Cursor Set - Cold Purple

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Cold Purple Cursors

Cold Purple
  • Published on October 31st 2024 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
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The title name says it all. Cold Purple is the next color after the pink version of this set. This purple cursor set adds a deeper tone into the pink line of gradients, making it purple as an official purple cursor set. Purple is a very nice color addition with differs from pink. Girls like purple as well in addition to pink cursors. All the mouse pointers in this cursor set are designed with a hole in them. The content creator ArdentAA did a fantastic job when designing all the mouse pointers with a transparent hole inside them. Take a sneak peek preview of how this cursor set looks like on dark backgrounds from the following link:

Same as before. All the hotspots are in the right place. No fixing required. The user ArdentAA has paid careful attention with all the hotspots for all those 15 cursor roles in this set. Take pleasure to like this cursor color scheme.

Tags: ■ Purple



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on October 31st 2024

A new purple cursor set is on the rise.

user icon Anonymous