cool dog
For those who don't like cats, we have a cool dog now! Belo, Witty and Shirley's sworn enemy, longs to have the crowd for himself. But there's competition! Belo doesn't hurt the cats, because that would make the crowd angry. Instead, he draw and writes rude stuff discretely to them and appears at the right moment to steal the crowd! More bonus cursors to help Belo steal the crowd.
cool dog
5 out of 5 stars.
Actually really funny! The fact that you started with cats and now you changed to a dog is a genius move! Like with the cats set, you can also make different dog types
Thanks a lot! I hope you saw my second cat set. If you did not, here it is:
This is very good!!
5 out of 5 stars.
Cool, great and funny cursor set I love that you started with the Cool Cat cursors and then modified to a dog version
The best thing is that it is original
5 out of 5 stars.
Actually really funny! The fact that you started with cats and now you changed to a dog is a genius move! Like with the cats set, you can also make different dog types / I think so!
5 out of 5 stars.
I love this set so much!! :-)
Thanks for the set My fav is the unavailable. SO cute.
So funny |-)
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