Cursor Set - Cross

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Cross Cursors

  • Published on September 28th 2016 by .
  • Released under the Attribution+NonCommercial (CC by-nc) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

This set is based off of saibob's Cross cursor set. Remix of saibob's GreenCross cursor set. The Link Select animation only plays once.


Set created

Tags: Simple


by nibbler

See also

Classic Green TeaserClassic Green Cursors
by nibbler1741A set of green cursors. |3/1/2019|Set created |- |=== 3/14/2019 ===|A...
Classic Yellow TeaserClassic Yellow Cursors
by nibbler2282A set of yellow cursors. |3/1/2019|Set created |- |=== 3/14/2019 ===|...
Classic Orange TeaserClassic Orange Cursors
by nibbler2544A set of orange cursors. |3/1/2019|Set created |- |=== 3/14/2019 ===|...
Classic Red TeaserClassic Red Cursors
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by nibbler5751A set of purple cursors. |3/1/2019|Set created |- |=== 3/14/2019 ===|...
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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon nibbler forum moderator on September 28th 2016

Thanks! You, too.

user icon Anonymous on September 28th 2016

How do you change back to normal mouse? ;-)

8-) :-D :-D :-) :-D


LOL :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

user icon nibbler forum moderator on September 28th 2016


user icon Anonymous on September 29th 2016

How do i make them clearer?

user icon nibbler forum moderator on September 29th 2016

Not sure what you're talking about.

user icon Anonymous on September 29th 2016

Maybe she/he wants to know how to reset to the default cursors!?

user icon nibbler forum moderator on September 29th 2016

Select the (None) theme for the default cursors, or just choose Default or Aero.

Hope that helps!

user icon siabob007 registered user on October 16th 2016

5 out of 5 stars.


user icon nibbler forum moderator on October 17th 2016

Thanks for the rating!

user icon Eliot registered user on December 20th 2022

5 out of 5 stars.

Nice, I like the text select. :-)

user icon Anonymous