doca cursor sticker line. enjoy^^
Tags: Emotion Fantasy □ White ■ Green ■ Black Simple Character Anime Animal
4 out of 5 stars.
Nice! I like how there is one for every role. My only suggestion would be that it is hard to see the hotspot. I mean you can now because there is a cross-hair over it, but on the actual cursor it is hard to see.
4 out of 5 stars.
very creative. the busy cursor has the hot spot in the wrong place. it would be better if you could fix that, even though busy cursors don't need to have the hot spot in the right place. the link cursor's hot spot moves, so it would be hard to use. these are super cute. fix the small errors and the set would be even better
cool as fuck
This CURSOR is so COOLL!!
que fofooooooooooooo adorei esse nota 1000
mds muito cute cute
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