No , I was talking ABT Your Future Sets , IK that It'll ruin the Emerandness ( i made that up lol )
There is a new cursor set made for 2024 on my RIDDLER account profile. It is called Emerald. A green themed cursor set, with all the cursor roles animated.
This cursor set, I have made, is for Windows 11. This is my first ever cursor set that I have made for Windows 11, using the new updated version of the RealWorld Cursor Editor application. All 17 cursor roles are included and this set supports three embedded cursor sizes. Resolutions are, 32x32, 48x48 & 64x64 pixels.
To make the fill, I downloaded an emerald image from Google and copied and pasted the green gradients into each layer and frame for each of the cursors. It was challenging, but I got there in the end.
I took me all night to do this set, so please comment and appreciate it.
No , I was talking ABT Your Future Sets , IK that It'll ruin the Emerandness ( i made that up lol )
Oh, you made a joke!!!
I do not know what sets I'll do in the future. Now its only speculation. When something good comes to my mind in the future, I'll make a good cursor set, and even some cool icon sets.
Right now, what you can do, is to rate my Emerald cursor set, and enjoy using it.
I think You give Personality to Your Cursors . Too much Personality . You just need to go to the Thin Line of Perfection where It doesn't have too much neither too little Personality . I use Cursors that can be used as default . Maybe make more Versions of the Green Teal Cursors - Black , Grey , White , Blue , Red , Yellow , Orange , Purple and Your Cursor Sets would rise in My Opinion
! You made a Green Variant , why not do Black , White , Red , Blue , Yellow ? You'll catch more People on Your Cursor Sets , some like the ordinary Black , White Colors , some are more into more personalized Colors
Bro You can make realistic Cursors like shaded and Stuff and do all Colors and Brightness and Stuff
That was My lamest Joke I ever made bruh
Guess We're Pals now
No reviews yet?
My cursor sets are supposed to have personality. However, I do agree that there must be a balance between personality and perfection. I have dedicated all my skills to make this cursor set as perfect as I could. I cannot make it any better than this. This is the very best that I can do to make this cursor set stand out to the audience.
I also like to use default cursor just like you, but I also like to add a custom feeling to my themes in Windows with a good custom cursor set.
As for my Green Teal cursor set, it would not make sense to make more colors as they would not comply with the green and teal colors that I have chosen to make this cursor set. I will leave this one alone as it is.
I will make more colored cursors in the future when I have some good ideas to make them. Right now, you can browse my entire collection of cursors on my profile.
I am not very good at using special effects for cursors, so, for now, I stick to a more basic making process of my cursors. I will see one day what I can bring out with special effects for cursors.
By the way, I have used the latest, newly released version of RealWorld Cursor Editor to create this cursor set. I only used the wizards apart from the Handwriting and Unavailable cursor roles, which are missing the cursor wizard to make them.
You can request to Vlasta, the one who updated RealWorld Cursor Editor, to add the missing cursor roles wizards for the Handwriting and Unavailable cursor roles. I need those wizards to be added so that I can make better cursors for these roles. Please request that to Vlasta so that he can update RealWorld Cursor Editor, including those two addition wizards that are missing from this software application.
Thank you.
I said before that I use http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/roblox-2021-pack as My Cursor & I feel like It can be used as a default Cursor in an Operating System , so I don't add too much Personality on them
I'm Blue
if I were Green I would die ,
if I were Green I would die ,
if I were Green I would die ,
if I were Green I would die ,
if I were Green I would die ,
if I were Green I would die ,
if I were Green I would die ,
( My Friends made Me do this as a ,, Dare '' )
I hate Truth or Dare
Wait You can see more Cursors ? You had great Cursors , I just found the see more Button . I thought the Recent ones were the only ones You have ! Nice Job
I know what you said, so I agree with you that your Roblox cursor set could be used as a default set in Windows.
The Best Cursors You've made in My Opinion :
Grey ( http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/grey )
Black / White ( http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/black-white-pointers )
Oxy - Neon ( http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/oxy-neon-white )
Anathema White ( http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/anathema-white )
I did not make those. I shared them here. I am glad that you like them.
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.