Cursor Set - Riddler's Theme

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Riddler's Theme Cursors

Riddler's Theme
  • Published on December 11th 2024 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

Riddler's Theme

I have created a new Riddler cursor set called the Riddler's Theme by using my own imagination. This cursor set is based on a custom-made background that I have created using perfect black squares with a pure green fill and black question marks. This is the background that I have created for all the three cursor resolutions of 32x32, 48x48, and 64x64 pixels. This whole Riddler's Theme cursor set was designed with all three cursor resolutions for all the 17 cursor roles. There are 15 static cursors and 2 animated cursors. This entire Riddler's Theme cursor background has been scaled by me, pixel by pixel. It is not a downloaded texture.


The way that I have designed the Unavailable cursor role was to make three donut circles with question marks inside them. The middle of the donut circles for all the three cursor resolutions is transparent. That is fully transparent. In the middle of the donut circles, I have designed spinning question marks that are resized to fit inside the Unavailable donut circled hoops. The question makes have the same 3.6 steps for each animation frame. There are 100 animation frames for the Unavailable cursor role. The donut circle is static but the inner question mark continuously spins inside the circle donut. I did not use any wizard to make the donut shape. I have only used the circle tool and cut a circle in the middle of the circles that were filled to make a hole for the question marks to fit there. To do that, I have used the Ellipse selection (X) tool, selected the Circle option on the right panel in the Tool properties section, to cut a circle hole to form the donut shape carved from the plain filled circle. The same procedure was carried out for all the three circle resolutions but with three different circle hole sizes. The question marks rotating clockwise inside the Unavailable cursor role are also made in three different sizes to properly fit the donut shapes according to their hole sizes. I have made the three question marks from a separate layer and exported it into another separate template for use at a later time after making the Unavailable cursor role. Then I have used the Style, Fill, from the menu bar, then changed the Fill style to Pattern fill, then I clicked on the Image from clipboard to paste the copied image template that I have made onto the computer's clipboard. The animation effect and speed is the same for the Unavailable cursor role than the one I chose to make for the Busy and Working In Background cursor roles. The Unavailable cursor role also has an outline fill effect which is black, set to 1 pixel, that I have used to make the inner and outer borders of the dunut shapes for all the three embedded cursor resolutions. I also carried out the same steps for the question mark that I have designed beforehand.

Busy and Working In Background:

First, I have created three question marks by using the text tool and three custom sized canvases of 16x16, 25x25 and 35x35 pixels to make them all the correct sizes to properly fit on the three designated canvas, according to the parent mouse pointer cursor size, which I moved to the edge of the canvas on purpose to make the spinning question marks fit properly. I have also set the hotspots according to the position on where the mouse pointer is on the canvas. The mouse pointer varies its hotspots depending on the cursor role for those cursor types in this cursor set that uses a mouse pointer with an extra cursor next to it just like the Help Select and Working In Background cursor roles. There has to be enough space on the canvas to make the question mark spin without touching the side of the mouse pointer. I have created two animated cursor roles for both the Busy and Working In Background cursor roles using a special technique that I have discovered, developed and practiced by using RealWorld Cursor Editor. The method that I have used to create the animation features a question mark spinning clockwise using 100 frames. There was a mistake that I did before by deleting one animation frame. That was the second frame which has the 3.6 degrees segment, so I had to put it back in for all the three cursor resolutions. Now, there are 100 frames and there are no flaws with the animation anymore. Using the Windows Calculator, I have calculated that 360 degrees angles divided by 10 makes 36 degrees. That would be only 10 frames, which makes the animation poor and have rough skips in its visual because of the lack of animation frames. Many users on the RealWorld Designer website are too lazy to make cursor sets with 100 frames, but I am not ashamed to create a cursor set that has that many frames, so I have done that on purpose to make the animation play very smoothly and effectively. To solve that problem, I have further divided 36 degrees by 10 to get 3.6, which is perfect to create 100 frames. To make the last frame loop properly with the first frame when the animation restarts at the loop, I was required to add the missing frame that I removed by incident, so now 100 frames makes a perfect looped animation. Frame 100 is now the 356.4 degrees frame that loops back perfectly back to the first frame, which is 0 degrees, which is nearly equivalent to the last frame of 356.4 degrees. That means that the first frame is 0 degrees and the last frame 100 is 356.4 degrees and the first frame which is 0 degrees is equivalent to 360 degrees.

To make an animation with free rotate steps, you need to go to the menu on top of the RealWorld Cursor Editor application Windows, then select Image, More transformations, and then click on the Arbitrary rotation to open the Arbitrary rotation dialog box. In the Angle: section, type in the correct number in digits to make the rotational angle of the turning point for the current animation frame. For example, your first clockwise turn for a 100 set of frames on the second frame is 3.6 degrees angle. Then the third frame, set its angle by typing in 7.2 in the Angle: to input for that particular frame and so on. Keep going and keep the current mathematical ongoing flow of an increase increment of +3.6 for each clockwise turn for each of the animation frames. This is very simple. All you need is good imagination and a good brain that can perform simple maths. There is no room for mistakes here when creating such a personal custom animation when creating cursors, so always make sure to use a calculator to count the angles. The angle count here for this cursor set is in 3.6 each time.

When making cursor sets that demands so many animation frames, you have to be extremely patient. I know that it takes hours and hours to make a single cursor role per day like this, but understand that there is no magic button in RealWorld Cursor Editor that can perform a single animation of 100 frames when creating a cursor role using a wizard. The wizards only make a basic cursor, then all the animations, you must make them yourself by using a custom image of your desire and choice.

Everything that I have calculated and worked out for both those cursor roles with their rotating question marks are mathematically perfect. Everything works out mathematically perfect with the Riddler.

Riddle me this, riddle me that. Who's afraid of the big black bat?

Let me give you the maths behind the scenes that I have calculated and used to make the three animated cursors with the clockwise spinning question marks for the Busy, Working In Background and the Unavailable cursor roles. Below is how I mathematically calculated all the frames perfectly in a 3.6 count per frame, from angle 0 to 356.4 degrees. Below are the laid out mathematical count for all the 100 frames of the rotating question marks for the three animated cursor roles in 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64 resolutions:

1. 0 11. 36 21. 72 31. 108 41. 144
2. 3.6 12. 39.6 22. 75.6 32. 111.6 42. 147.6
3. 7.2 13. 43.2 23. 79.2 33. 115.2 43. 151.2
4. 10.8 14. 46.8 24. 82.8 34. 118.8 44. 154.8
5. 14.4 15. 50.4 25. 86.4 35. 122.4 45. 158.4
6. 18 16. 54 26. 90 36. 126 46. 162
7. 21.6 17. 57.6 27. 93.6 37. 129.6 47. 165.6
8. 25.2 18. 61.2 28. 97.2 38. 133.2 48. 169.2
9. 28.8 19. 64.8 29. 100.8 39. 136.8 49. 172.8
10. 32.4 20. 68.4 30. 104.4 40. 140.4 50. 176.4

51. 180 61. 216 71. 252 81. 288 91. 324
52. 183.6 62. 219.6 72. 255.6 82. 291.6 92. 327.6
53. 187.2 63. 223.2 73. 259.2 83. 295.2 93. 331.2
54. 190.8 64. 226.8 74. 262.8 84. 298.8 94. 334.8
55. 194.4 65. 230.4 75. 266.4 85. 302.4 95. 338.4
56. 198 66. 234 76. 270 86. 306 96. 342
57. 201.6 67. 237.6 77. 273.6 87. 309.6 97. 345.6
58. 205.2 68. 241.2 78. 277.2 88. 313.2 98. 349.2
59. 208.8 69. 244.8 79. 280.8 89. 316.8 99. 352.8
60. 212.4 70. 248.4 80. 284.4 90. 320.4 100. 356.4

As you can see, maths does speak for itself. Maths cannot lie. This mathematical count table above counts in 3.6 just as if there were a 3.6 times table. This is a decimal table. Yes, there are multiple numbered patterns in this table. For example, 3.6 and 7.2 can be seen and observed in numbers like 36 and 72. Just remove the decimals and you can see a repeating pattern of this number sequence count. The repeating pattern of 3.6 and 7.2 re-occurrence does also show up in decimal numbers like 93.6 and 97.2 because that embedded root number count does re-occur in this mathematical table.

I have kept on a 2GB SD Card all the templates that I have created for the Riddler's Theme cursor set, alongside a copy of this completed Riddler's Theme cursor set. Inside three independent subfolders, I have kept the small, medium and large question mark templates that I have designed in RealWorld Cursor Editor so that I have those templates for my finished work on all the three animated cursor roles for all the three cursor resolutions that I have made this cursor set for. This cursor set is intended for use on Windows 11 computers. The Riddler's Theme cursor set would best fit green themes, the dark theme mode and a custom made Riddler Theme for the Windows 11 operating system.

Now that I have completed this Riddler's Theme cursor set, it is time to upload it on the RealWorld Designer website. Today it is Wednesday December 11th 2024 and I think that this is a great cursor set to share to the world of cursor fans out there just before entering Christmas 2024 for this time of year. Enjoy the Riddler's Theme cursor set.

Tags: Character Movie Windows 11 ■ Green



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 11th 2024

Riddler's Theme cursor set for 2025

I very much enjoyed creating this dazzling "Riddler's Theme" cursor set for December 2024 for this whole community of people to enjoy. You have the freedom to download and use this cursor set for any of your personal projects, but I do not allow re-uploads to any site, or this site of this "Riddler's Theme" cursor set. Not even a remixed version. This is my personal creation, and I want this cursor set to be truly unique because it belongs to me, and I am the author who made it from scratch.

This is the most modern and up to date Riddler cursor set. I welcome you the "Riddler's Theme" cursor set for the year of 2024. I have set the license to "Custom (contact author)" so that users are restricted from doing any re-uploads of this cursor set. I won't tolerate anyone who steals this "Riddler's Theme" cursor set without my permission. If anyone disobeys my commandment to not re-upload this cursor set, I will file an email of complaint to the administrators of this site or any other site to get any re-uploads taken down.

Thank you everyone for your understanding.

user icon ♩⊹⋆⚢☣Sotaru☣⚢⋆⊹♩ registered user on December 11th 2024

5 out of 5 stars.

Amazing! I really think it fits you username and profile!

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 11th 2024

Yes, this Riddler's Theme cursor set really does fit my username and profile.

user icon Cursor Mania registered user on December 12th 2024

Nice is good!! :-)

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 12th 2024

I am so glad ADRI_34_YY that you do like this Riddler's Theme cursor set so much. Why did you not rate it? It would of being nice if you rated this cursor set.

user icon Anonymous