Extenza Crystal cursor set made in black default color. This was made by DanFox. All the action cursors are made animated mouse pointers. The blue and red mouse pointers are in a different color to better highlight a different action role.
When the shadow on the cursors look bad (which can happen on some systems) you should turn 2D hardware acceleration a nod down.
You can do that this way:
- Display Properties -> Settings -> Advanced -> Troubleshoot
- Set "Hardware Acceleration" one nod down.
Wee yee.
Wow. This is so wow.
I like wearing sunglasses on the beach.
;-) nice but i think a bit more colour would be nice
The color scale use is fine.
Looks so nice! Thank you!
Looks great and modern for any cursor modernist enthusiast.
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.