Cursor Set - All Gen 4 Pokemon

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All Gen 4 Pokemon Cursors

All Gen 4 Pokemon
  • Published on January 4th 2021 by .
  • Released under the NonCommercial Usage Only (CC nc) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

i'm trying to do all the pokemon not done in the Pokemon Project Set that aint been updated in 7 years so if a pokemon you're looking for isnt here it's probs there!! ( )

Legal Info: I do not own Pokemon, Nintendo, or the sprites themselves. I did not create or rip the sprites myself. All characters are copyright Nintendo. These cursors are not for commercial use.

sprites + pokedex data from

Tags: Pokémon Character


by connosisseur

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon tHEmEEPYjIB registered user on January 5th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

WOW!! That Is a lot of cursors! They look amazing!! My brother's favorite starter is torterra/turtwig, so I'll make sure to show him this. This is incredible! :-D

user icon Phantom registered user on January 6th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

omg that's a lot of cursors man
that would take a lot of time to make so ima give you a 5
everything is perfect :-)
have a good day :-D

user icon Anonymous on January 7th 2021

Omg wow that is a ton i wish i was that good... i could only pull off a crappy nyan cat

user icon J registered user on January 8th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

Great work including all of them. I see you have modified the pointers for each one as well

I don't know why I forgot to rate them. Great Work!

user icon Bobcat registered user on January 10th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

Cute pokemon! I do not really get the theme, but it is great because it contains pokemon! But really, what does gen 4 mean? icon-image/20087-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on January 17th 2021

@Bobcat think of "gen 4' kind of like "season 4" where for each gen they typically make a new game, so its part of a collection of pokemon that were new when gen 4 was released

user icon Anonymous